Example sentences of "[verb] always [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The feminized male has always been suspect , be he the advocate of unisex , androgyny , or , now , the play of the post-modern .
2 And although the ANC has promised to share power in the subsequent government , the country will then be a short hop from the full-blown majority rule that has always been anathema to many Afrikaners .
3 Australian Chardonnay has become so popular they have been suffering shortages , but there has always been loads of Semillon available .
4 A major worry for patients in psychiatric hospitals has always been money and access to it .
5 Germany 's historical power-base has always been Europe .
6 The message of the Burgess shale — that there has always been variety , and no one can say in what forms it will survive until it has done so — remains .
7 In microchip territory , silicon has always been king because it remains so cheap and easy to use .
8 Miller has always been expert at bringing out the best in players — he turned Frank McAvennie from a midfield player into a striker in his St Mirren days — and the evolution of Pat McGinlay as a goalscoring midfield player is merely the latest example of his handiwork .
9 There has always been protection to prevent them from working long hours and being exploited and bullied .
10 ‘ There has always been honesty and integrity in my performance .
11 There has always been nervousness , and there still is , among audit partners about pro-active search work .
12 An important ingredient in the life of every local community has always been pride in the local hospital or school .
13 PFR Station Manager , Mr Ed Adam said : ‘ It has always been AEA 's intention to bring PFR back to power as soon as possible .
14 Our anchor has always been faith and family .
15 The Councils of both Societies , in agreeing to support the publication of the new journal , took a conscious decision that it should contain only papers of the highest quality , and that papers from Scotland 's universities , and papers on Scottish geology , should form the major part of the publication , although there has always been scope for the publication of papers on other areas , including some important theoretical papers .
16 There has always been criticism , much of it unjust , that lecturers in colleges and polytechnics fail to keep in touch with school-based initiatives and developments and that college programmes are all too often divorced from the real world of school .
17 ‘ Soap is soap , has always been soap .
18 Robert de Niro has always been case as the Invisible Man of Hollywood .
19 ‘ it tends to be supported by those who wish to constrain the redistributive potential of state welfare and thus it has always been part of a broader conservative view of the aetiology of social problems and their correct solutions ’ ( Macnicol , 1988 , p. 316 ) .
20 This has always been part of the role , but it has not often been done well .
21 Collection of statistics , such as the housing returns , has always been part of the central department 's work , but the more specific information currently requested that can form part of long-term planning is a relatively recent development .
22 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
23 The primary energy source of industrialised countries has always been fossil fuels .
24 But tampering with lifetime employment policies , and pushing unemployment upwards , is likely to affect the morale of a workforce that has always been Japan 's most valuable asset .
25 It has always been ACET 's policy to work with and complement statutory and other voluntary organizations .
26 In her arguments with John James over powers allocated to her design group she wrote , also in a telex : ‘ This company has always been design dominated , ’ and then bolstered her argument by adding ‘ see memos from BA leaving no doubt whatsoever . ’
27 ‘ The foundation of my collection has always been ideas which have a long life .
28 LCH is to perform such obligations " so as to ensure the performance of all open contracts in accordance with these regulations " ( reg 1 ) , a clear echo of Sched 4 to the 1986 Act.4 It is added , to put beyond doubt what has always been LCH 's position , that the benefit of LCH 's performance is conferred upon clearing members as principals " and upon no other persons whatsoever " .
29 She has always been kindness itself to me , but I have a feeling in my bones that she would not regard me as a wholly reliable supporter .
30 The leading authority for this proposition has always been R. v. Nat Bell Liquors Ltd .
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