Example sentences of "[verb] away [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He smiled earnestly , surveyed the room and scribbled away on the Offload page .
2 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
3 I made ready to slip away down the passage .
4 If you chat too long with a particular parent , it means others have to slip away without a word .
5 It might seem too easy to him just to slip away into the fantasy world of death . ’
6 There was a small queue at the rear exit as the men waited to slip away into the night .
7 The sentry took advantage of the pause to slip away into the undergrowth .
8 On a pre-war state visit to India , he outraged officialdom by cutting a banquet to slip away to a pretty Burmese princess he had met at the Middlesex Regiment Ball .
9 Some who were working intended to slip away for an hour or so .
10 In contrast to the parties given in his honour , from which Eliot would contrive to slip away after a token attendance , these functions , never too large , were the kind he most enjoyed .
11 She glimpsed again that girlish figure momentarily outlined against the walls of the abbey only to slip away like a wraith and be lost among the shadows of the beach .
12 It is the custom , you understand , for the bride and groom to slip away from the wedding during the evening celebration , and hide somewhere — at a friend 's for example . ’
13 Men in small firms experience an earlier and lower peak growth rate which very quickly drops away after the twenty-fifth year of service .
14 Her tameness drops away like a spring moult , and her primitive survival instincts supplant everything else .
15 And she saw old Billy , his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth .
16 The average Nd isotopic compositions of central Atlantic OIB correlate with their respective average Sm/Nd ( Fig. 3 d ) , although the average Madeira composition lies away from the trend defined by the other islands .
17 He fled away into the brightness where we could not follow . ’
18 Entwined snakes of gold and scarlet streamed through each other as the sail , rolling and writhing , fled away on the wind .
19 He frowned as the waiter hesitated , then gasped with shock as the man , his nerve gone , fled away from the room .
20 Jump into a cold swimming-pool , for example , and who can blame your frozen phallus from shrinking away to a delightfully compact inch or so .
21 Bake for 1¼ hrs until firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin .
22 Often George came in at five o'clock in the morning to hammer away at the pirate ship in the carpenter 's shop .
23 That 's where the fuel tanks are located and though it seemed likely that the partial tearing away of the wing had also ruptured the fuel lines and spilled the fuel , there was no way of being sure and no one , again as far as I know , has ever come up against the problem of what happens when an oxyacetylene jet meets a fuel tank under water .
24 In 1728 he established a farm at Kingsessing near Philadelphia , with six acres sloping away to the river in the south-west for a garden and where horticultural work in due course supplanted his pursuit of agriculture .
25 A black-and-white Tudor manor house , separated by a gravelled car park from a modern two-storey extension mocked up to resemble stables ; lawns behind sloping away towards the wooded flanks of the Surrey hills ; the colours of St. George hanging limply from a flagstaff ; three geese in flight across a swash-lettered nameboard ; and smoke pluming vertically from slender chimney stacks .
26 This is a small garden , on an awkward plot measuring just 45ft by 27ft ( 14m by 8m ) , facing north east and sloping away from the house .
27 ‘ The way we played we 'd have come away with a result from most games . ’
28 While he had been kicking his heels yesterday he had spent an hour in a tiny bookshop in Curzon Street and had come away with a paperback edition of the Parsons Rosenberg and the Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes 's anthology .
29 The reader might have come away with a Victorian idea of the inexorability of progress , each generation better , finer and braver than its parents .
30 So I bet he 's come away with a quarter of a million !
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