Example sentences of "[verb] why you should " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know why you should want me , I 'm no good , but you do . ’
2 ‘ I do n't know why you should be so thin , ’ her mother complained in disappointment .
3 ‘ I do n't know why you should be so dark , ’ her mother said with irritation , accidentally scraping Martha 's cheek with her long , scarlet thumbnail .
4 Do you know why you should seek a massage ?
5 Indeed , you 've been afraid to hold up your end of a rockin' conversation , paralysed by the knowledge that you alone do not possess the second Squirrel Bait album — and worse , you do n't even know why you should possess any Squirrel Bait albums , let alone the second one .
6 ‘ I do n't know why you should think that . ’
7 No I know what you 're saying and I do n't know why you should
8 ‘ I do n't know why you should have led me to believe he was some kind of old buffer . ’
9 ‘ I do n't know why you should think I 'd object to a frisky man , military or otherwise .
10 ‘ I did n't say I wanted to go to bed with you , but that I wanted to make love to you ; a subtle difference , ’ he chided , ‘ and I do n't know why you should look so disbelieving — you have a lovely supple body …
11 ‘ I do n't know why you should be surprised .
12 ‘ I do n't know why you should feel gratitude , ’ Sophie said coolly .
13 ‘ It 's certainly hard to imagine why you should invent such an elaborate story . ’
14 I do n't understand why you should come alone . ’
15 I do n't understand why you should feel ashamed when you were the innocent victim … ’
16 ‘ I do n't understand why you should get so wound up about the prospect of making love now , when before you were … offhand about it . ’
17 ‘ It leaves me wondering why you should have been chosen for this very tame assignment .
18 ‘ If you stay here a bit longer , ’ Tremayne said , ‘ and if you ride schooling satisfactorily , I do n't see why you should n't eventually have a mount in an amateur race , if you put your mind to it . ’
19 There 's a waiting list of three after the first ten and I do n't see why you should n't persuade Ryan to let you be No. 4 on that .
20 ‘ Oh , I do n't see why you should n't have the room , ’ she said in answer to him .
21 If I have to go on working I do n't see why you should n't .
22 After what he did to THE FACE , I do n't see why you should have a picture of him in the magazine .
23 If doing a deal with another company will help you to get their records out to people then I ca n't see why you should n't do it .
24 And if you say it 'll be such a help to you , with your examinations , I do n't see why you should n't go . "
25 ‘ I do not see why you should apologise to me in any way , it is I who behaved like a little monster .
26 Yeah , I think you ought to take that up with Steve , cos I do n't see why you should getting , taking people
27 I was with my three mates and they stood behind me and said , " I do n't see why you should be ashamed . "
28 ‘ So , ’ said Juliet , ‘ if Tunney or Richie Quick or whoever he is can be fooled by a designing woman in each of his adventures , I do n't see why you should n't get the dividend on his blind spot . ’
29 I do n't see why you should n't have access to those . ’
30 I do n't see why you should assume I have anything to do with it . ’
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