Example sentences of "[verb] over from the " in BNC.

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1 The four-cylinder engine was more reliable in 1957 , but BRM took a long time to realise that the P25 's air strut suspension — carried over from the V16 — was the cause of its savage oversteer .
2 They are sometimes acidic to neutralise any alkaline residues carried over from the washing process and sometimes include disinfectants .
3 They would have preferred process control and development staff to have established the new processes , and would have preferred to recruit ‘ green labour ’ to the new machines so that ‘ bad habits ’ would not have been carried over from the old production process .
4 Many of the older people found it difficult to throw off the ‘ criminal , associations which had carried over from the fifties and sixties .
5 Last year NEC shipped 14,200 of the EWS4800 workstations , which was 120% up on normal sales for the previous year — excluding an extraordinary order for 6,000 units from Daiwa Securities carried over from the 1991-92 fiscal year — and anticipates growth to 20,000 shipments this financial year — growth which is stable in value terms , according to NEC .
6 Last year NEC shipped 14,200 of the EWS4800 workstations , which was 120% up on normal sales for the previous year — excluding an extraordinary order for 6,000 units from Daiwa Securities carried over from the 1991–92 fiscal year — and anticipates growth to 20,000 shipments this financial year — growth which is stable in value terms , according to NEC .
7 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
8 She had come over from the east with her Arab mother , who , once in Britain , had married a stranger in order to stay — rather like buying a spare part to save one 's life .
9 That 's why I 've come over from the States , ’ Howard said .
10 Sorry , the ghost has n't come over from the other side of the door , it just keeps moving by itself .
11 He lifted a hand off his cup in weary salute to one of his sergeants. a very dark Scot in a crumpled grey suit who was walking over from the counter , and the man altered course to sit opposite him .
12 Ideally the Civic Society would like to see far more drastic policy change , possibly thinking in terms of forty hectares but we realize the minimum possible would be the thirty point five hectares which is hanging over from the first phase of the structure plan , and so that must of course be regarded as committed .
13 Is it something hanging over from the past ?
14 Whereas the bulk of athletes being attracted to this new four-pronged sport have spilled over from the more established triathlon ranks , and so have found the canoeing discipline particularly tough , Graham has the advantage of a fine record with the paddle .
15 I like the way someone like Laurie Anderson crosses over from the art world to the mainstream .
16 As they were working , the smell of puris frying wafted over from the houses round the square .
17 I 'd been yo-yoing up and down a rollercoaster for the best part of an hour and I was still hung over from the phial of ‘ Renshenfengwangjiang ’ — a potent blend of panax ginseng and royal bee jelly — that Michael Willis had persuaded me to drink for breakfast .
18 John Ensall said residual problems had hung over from the change in working arrangements introduced in January .
19 At least fourteen more Palestinians were killed in subsequent clashes with the security forces and eight hundred were wounded ; the clashes spilled over from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to Arab areas of Israel .
20 Violence spilling over from the conflict in Croatia has escalated dramatically in recent weeks after the republic 's 1.9 million Muslims and 750,000 Croats voted overwhelmingly to secede from Serb-controlled remnants of Yugoslavia .
21 And was there one came over from the top ?
22 The purely Chinese came over from the mainland with Chiang Kai-Shek . ’
23 The first time I get on , it is often after spending a few hours with them , and I kinda transfer over from the stable door to their backs . ’
24 This kind of planting can be dull in summer , so Jenny and Michael planted clematis to sprawl over from the border behind , the rich colouring of C. viticella ‘ Etoile Violette ’ contrasting with the dull bronze conifers .
25 Part of this was a hang over from the days of live Television , but even as the Fifties turned into the Sixties , and prerecording came into the limelight , the cost and cumbersome nature of videotape ruled out all but the most rudimentary of editing .
26 Below , the islands of Rum and Canna can be seen and on the horizon to the west you can look over from the hills of South Uist to Barra Head .
27 ‘ Someone might look over from the gate-towers and catch the gleam of it .
28 Springhill now is much the same as it was in 1953 when itwas handed over from the RAF .
29 It is the same as in the last exercise except that you are bent over from the waist .
30 That chill in the air : there were black clouds moving over from the left .
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