Example sentences of "[verb] when they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 then they 're open so that at half nine you close them there , or at ten o'clock you close them there and you say when they come through if you 're going out that
2 Well let me wait , I 'll tell , I 'll sh I 'll tell you what the insurers say when they come back , when it comes .
3 The French , despite an exceptionally tough policy , still have interest rates above the German level because they are unable to persuade the markets they mean what they say when they rule out a devaluation .
4 And although we often hear about different jobs being of different sorts of status , they 're on a ladder of status , its for unemployed people the situation is very often as if you 've actually been kicked off this ladder and this is what people say when they describe being unemployed as being on the scrap heap and so on , it 's as if you 've been expelled from this particular world where erm people respect you for having a job and know that you 're contributing .
5 ‘ Allow a child to find its own balance — say when they need help to dress themselves , for instance , rather than springing in to help .
6 The Criminal Law Revision Committee did not totally define dishonesty because " dishonesty is something which laymen can easily recognise when they see it " ( p.20 ) .
7 And do you know when they came ?
8 ‘ Tell Wally to keep his eyes open and let me know when they pass him , ’ Hitch instructed .
9 d' ya know when they go and er
10 We 'll soon know when they come here .
11 They 'll let us know when they 've checked their records . ’
12 If it 's not written down I do n't know when they 've had or what they 've had , you 'll have to write it down and put a date on it .
13 So I do n't know when they 've , when they go but erm they 've won that , it 's obviously through one of their
14 ENCOURAGE your team but be discriminating — do n't say everything is lovely when it is n't — they will know when they need a little pep-talk !
15 No , there are at Tower now , they were raised in the Tower , but they eh , I do n't know when they moved , they moved to a the depot at a
16 Do you know when they changed their mind ?
17 Mercury will then let customers know when they have reached that limit , so that users can choose whether or not to make further calls .
18 I am a victim support counsellor and why is it that criminals get all the help you know when they do n't give help to the , the victims of crime ?
19 Do you know when they won the Eurovision Song Contest ?
20 It started campaigning against the council plans when they emerged last year .
21 Skates were tied on the wrong feet ; some boys were trying to remember when they had last changed their socks ; the smell was incredible .
22 Those are the key points for farmers to remember when they get their Integrated Administration and Control System forms later this week .
23 have n't you seen when they come and sort of turns the light sort of hits her face
24 When children go into the countryside and visit farms , they will see that the conditions are completely different from those that their fathers may have seen when they worked on farms during their holidays — that was one of the great traditions of United Kingdom cities .
25 And she did not do what hedgehogs usually do when they find themselves in a bit of trouble : curl up in a tight , prickly ball .
26 He suggests that the totem animal is the father , which many peoples show when they talk of the totem animal as their ancestor .
27 One must ask when those working in children 's books will seize their opportunities and discuss the excellence of writing for children , the excitement that children show when they meet books , and the absolute commitment of all professionals , especially teachers and librarians , to getting the right book to the right child at the right time .
28 Babies can not therefore really be considered to be trained as they do not realize when they want to go , do not indicate that they want to , and do not go to the potty by themselves .
29 you know , so just half a gui but it , it got that , but once they changed the opening hours do you remember when they brought in six
30 Yet somehow the galleries were open again and doing a brisk trade , and publishers could not remember when they had sold so many books .
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