Example sentences of "[verb] place at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Germany will be reunited tonight ; the ceremony takes place at midnight when Berlin will become the capital of an independent Germany .
2 Feeding takes place at night and toads continue to forage for as long as conditions are reasonably humid , sometimes for as long as two months .
3 Mating takes place at night in shallow pools in dunes and other sandy areas .
4 It takes place at night and might almost be called ordeal by fire .
5 Many researchers ( e.g. Sharpe 1976 ; Deem 1978 ) have argued that the occupational segregation of men and women which takes place after education is completed is related to the subject segregation which takes place at school .
6 In addition to rule-making , thereby reducing the degree of uncertainty confronting workers and management , it can also be a vehicle for resolving disputes , a power relationship and , where it takes place at enterprise or plant level , it may be regarded as a form of participation for workers or their representatives ( see Chapter 7 ) .
7 The final takes place at Brotherhood Hall on Tuesday , April 6 , starting at 7.30 pm .
8 In women 's hockey , the annual 11-a-side tournament for the District League Cup takes place at Station Park , St Andrews , tomorrow ( 10am-6pm ) .
9 COLCHESTER and East Cricket Club 's annual meeting takes place at Castle Park pavilion tonight ( 8pm )
10 The cross-linking paste contains a material capable of donating carbonium ions , and cross-linking takes place at chain ends via a ring opening polymerisation .
11 Teachers are reminded that a Rally takes place at East Grinstead on 23rd April .
12 Insofar as the UK is concerned , very little of this activity takes place at end consumer levels , but its use has increased in industrial markets in support of sales , especially in relation to the following :
13 This is because electricity generation is far more efficient when demand is consistent and the fact that recharging would take place at night plus the fact that peak transport demand is generally in summer , would mean that more generating plant could operate consistently at full load thus lowering the unit cost of electricity .
14 ( Luke : The account of the trial in Luke does not take place at night but in the morning .
15 The Image Processing ‘ 92 exhibition will take place at Hall 7 , NEC , Birmingham from 10–12 November .
16 further alterations can take place at will , when you are finishing off , by adding piping or braiding to neaten neck edges and so on .
17 Performance-based activity may , of course , take place at classroom level , in small-scale improvisational sessions or in text work .
18 Casual , individual violence was almost certainly more common than today but ‘ hooliganism ’ in the collective and contemporary sense did not take place at football matches .
19 Here f t denotes the logarithm of the forward rate at time t for foreign exchange transactions which will take place at time t + 1 .
20 Of particular concern is the pattern of abductions by armed men in plain clothes in security force style operations , most of which took place at night .
21 Cases involving taxi drivers usually took place at night in remote areas ; it was an easy form of attack .
22 The operation took place at midday and I was taken to the recovery room in the course of the afternoon .
23 Folklore suggests that dancing took place at stone circles on occasions such as the seasonal festivals .
24 He saw a vast patch of blood and guessed that the ship must have been in one of the many petty skirmishes which took place at sea , for ships of various nations , Norway , Denmark , England , Scotland and France used these waters for fishing , trade and piracy .
25 Unlike most other economic activities , fishing took place at sea outside the territory of any member state and the fishing vessel was free to move from territory to territory at will .
26 Following the Act of 1688 , the first developments took place at Tilberthwaite .
27 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
28 The thefts all took place at lunch time many on the town 's High Street and some inside shops .
29 A day-long private meeting took place at County Hall in Northallerton on Tuesday involving the North Yorkshire planning and highways departments , British Rail and British Steel .
30 For tea , like breakfast , is a great British forte , and one of the most charming weddings I have ever been to in Britain took place at teatime .
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