Example sentences of "[verb] down as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't ask her to sit down as I can when I 'm doing a portrait of someone I know .
2 ‘ Fred Proctor asked him to sit down as he had been speaking long enough .
3 Weaker areas are exposed dramatically when the market turns down as it did during 1992 .
4 One reason for this is that our metabolic rate slows down as we age .
5 The snatching is usual on full lock as the universal joint in each front drive shaft speeds up and slows down as it is not a constant velocity joint ( unlike the V8 109 and Range Rover ) .
6 You simply can not plough down as you might do in deep , wet snow .
7 Before the 17C there were two statues on the bridge , one of the Crucifixion , which Elizabeth of Bohemia ( the Winter Queen ) foolishly insisted should be torn down as she said it looked like a naked bather , and the other of the moderate Hussite king , George Poděbrady .
8 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
9 you often get down the Tornados coming , whizzing down , below you , you know you 're looking down as they come past
10 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
11 Isabel Leyland , cut down as she went to collect holiday snaps .
12 Large numbers of the birds are believed to have been shot down as they crossed Afghanistan and Pakistan en route to their summer breeding grounds along the River Ob , in eastern Russia .
13 Me : ( Thinking that it should all be written down as one is taught ) , ‘ Did you use the pattern given ? ’
14 The shares are worthless , and it goes against the grain to see them still quoted , written down as they are . "
15 The giggles die down as she adds : ‘ I 'm already depressed about it .
16 ‘ If you look down as your are talking and are holding yourself in , you ca n't achieve what you want to achieve , ’ says Meribeth Bunch .
17 Not only so be the monitor progress in the work so we do n't get ourselves bogged down as we have done before and not managing to carry out the work that 's needed .
18 Fernandez remembered North breaking down as he told him , sitting in a parked car one night , that Buckley was dead ; David Jacobsen , the last hostage to be released as a result of the arms transfers , recalled North in tears on the aeroplane to Germany , wishing that the other hostages had been freed with him .
19 Young players slow down as their bodies put on weight … especially thin little shits like Sharpe .
20 Two things made him slow down as he came to the entrance .
21 The yachts are slowing down as they approach Fremantle and the effect of the high-pressure zone becomes apparent .
22 The yachts are slowing down as they approach Fremantle and the effect of the high-pressure zone becomes apparent .
23 Bodie drove quickly to the Stones ' house , slowing down as he came into the street at the far end .
24 Gregson demanded , hardly slowing down as he drove .
25 Greg blenched before the tempest he had stupidly unleashed , but Viola quietened down as he murmured apologies .
26 I wondered how many of them glanced down as they processed in their finery into the castle for tea with the Queen .
27 At our local market I stocked up on walnuts , satsumas and last-minute presents of leather goods , then on Christmas Day the sun blazed down as we tucked into a roast chicken and raised glasses of cheap local champagne .
28 The sun blazed down as we followed narrow paths through the ling .
29 Thomas ran through and was pulled down as he rounded Walton , Dicks scoring with the penalty after 72 minutes .
30 Last night , Johanna 's father broke down as he revealed his daughter had mysteriously taken down her 50 Christmas cards from her bedroom wall only hours before disappearing .
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