Example sentences of "[verb] even [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Dovercourt branch of the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders has volunteered to carry out the work free of charge and has even joined in raising funds .
2 Christie 's has even gone to Washington to lobby for the bill .
3 Numerous trials have evaluated the various procedures performed during pregnancy and labour ( Iain Chalmers has even gone to the trouble of collating them ) but very few of these ideas have changed obstetric practice .
4 Once or twice my mum has even gone into a light trance , and , though she has n't yet contacted anyone interesting , we have great hopes of her .
5 Is the Foreign Secretary aware that the Government 's attitude in Maastricht has left a crippling legacy of anger and resentment among our Community partners about the double opt-out , and that it has even led to a denunciation of the Prime Minister and the Government by their own right-wing allies in the European Community ?
6 The correspondence has even led to romance — the daughter hopes to marry a man who is serving life for shooting his wife.Richard Barnett reports :
7 The use of filamentous bacteriophage has even led to strategies for building antibodies in bacteria and improving their binding affinities , and so by-passing immunisation 4,5 .
8 It has even led in extreme cases to a few excavators being so certain of what they would find before they put a spade into the ground , that evidence was selected and rejected in accordance with their predetermined thinking .
9 It may also seem improbable that the world 's transaction processing systems will suddenly switch to Taos , but on the other hand the company is already hard at work building SQL interface objects and others that will confer Posix compliance , it has even chatted to a bank about payroll applications .
10 It may also seem improbable that the world 's transaction processing systems will suddenly switch to Taos , but on the other hand the company is already hard at work building SQL interface objects and others that will confer Posix compliance , it has even chatted to a bank about payroll applications .
11 I am delighted that Haringey councillor Ian Willmore has rediscovered the problems of Tottenham and has even taken to pondering the question of which candidate for the Labour leadership is best equipped to tackle these problems ( Letters , 24 April ) .
12 ‘ She chews gum , she likes going to Guns N' Roses concerts and wearing funky clothes — she has even taken to wearing black nail varnish .
13 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
14 Southall , delighted with the look made famous by the great Russian goalkeeper Lev Yashin , has even added to the macho image by pulling out all the padding which comes with today 's goalkeepers ' shirts because he thinks it gets in the way of doing the job properly .
15 The high efficiency of diamond drill bits for cutting through reinforced concrete walls has even resulted in their being chosen for obtaining illegal entry into bank safes !
16 I think that 's very important and I think it 's , there 's er actually , I have to say er I detect in 's letter because I am quite sure that a year ago she would have questioned the parish council 's existence , and indeed she 's being , erm , to my perception , highly critical of er the fact that the parish council has even dared to sort of taste the oxygen outside their own homes .
17 Iago only ever talks about destroying Othello and Desdemona , has even forgotten about his own career , and Othello takes over his obsessions .
18 They were 97 for 2 , still 70 behind , when he bagged three of the most illustrious wickets Test cricket has even had on offer in the space of only four balls .
19 In the process , job evaluation could terminally undermine clinical grading , making a new system virtually redundant before it has even got off the ground .
20 He has even got in the habit of joining in , stumbling after me ( not that I 'm very dazzling ) like a giraffe .
21 Ere he has even returned from Ludlow .
22 She listened without interrupting and was impressed with the way he had thought it through , his plans being laid before they 'd even landed at Manchester .
23 When we got to the airport at Stansted , she 'd even arranged for the Captain to escort me on to the plane .
24 I was amazed you 'd even heard of it , to tell the truth . ’
25 ‘ I never knew th 'd even heard of the Quakers , ’ Jess said .
26 I 'd even gone to the trouble of finding a real piece of rattan jog — the dried bark which gives a deep red colour to the dish — in the fifth Punjabi deli I 'd tried .
27 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
28 And suddenly I realised that there was a whole lot more going on than I 'd even thought of .
29 He lifted it again with scalding , skullbusting licks on Born Under a Bad Sign ; Hear Me Calling even sounded like Cream .
30 It has in the past been notorious that a pupil in an English school , having learned French for seven years , and having even passed at grade A at A level , may yet be unable to utter more than a few halting sentences , and be hardly able to follow a simple conversation with a native speaker .
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