Example sentences of "[verb] her [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 She was arranging to have an abortion when her father found out , and told her if she went through with this , he would no longer consider her to be part of his family .
2 She is very good at her studies and we want her to be a teacher .
3 I want her to be independent .
4 I want her to be somebody . ’
5 Do n't put your daughter on the stage , Mrs Worthington , send her to be trained as a computer programmer .
6 In these circumstances , as we were agreed that we had power to do so , we made an emergency order enabling her to be taken to and treated at a specialist hospital in London , notwithstanding the lack of consent on her part .
7 Before long he recognised Eva 's ability and invited her to be vice president .
8 neighbour of the Gattleton 's in Clapham , south-west London , whose formidable talent for ‘ scandal and sarcasm ’ causes her to be ‘ courted , and flattered , and caressed , and invited ’ by all her neighbours .
9 Instead , she argues for a socialization theory which sees the individual as ‘ a function of what people around her expect her to be , and what the over-all situation in which she is acting implies that she is ’ ( 1973 : 395 ) .
10 If I expect her to be startled , I am disappointed .
11 We did everything we could to encourage her to be pleased with being brown .
12 He had expected her to be sitting in the little ticket office with her friend Maureen , but instead he found the office locked and in darkness and the entire frontage of the cinema deserted .
13 They have expected her to be super-wife , good in bed , a wonderful mother , an efficient housekeeper , a co-counsellor , and an earner of income .
14 Anthony had always known that she loved Julia , but after the things Comfort had said at Christmas he had not expected her to be thrown into quite such terror .
15 Fergus looked up , because for all Dierdriu 's hubris , he had not expected her to be so suddenly direct .
16 The sergeant had expected her to be taller , instead of a good nine inches shorter than Blanche .
17 Underneath he 'd expected her to be hard and dry , but she was very soft and moist .
18 The Herald spoke to Patricia Routledge and found her to be keen to return to the Yvonne Arnaud , where the audiences recently warmed to her in Alan Bennett 's Talking Heads .
19 When interviewing Margaret , the therapist found her to be moderately depressed , but to an extent in keeping with her problems .
20 Miss T. was then examined by the obstetrics registrar who found her to be in a distressed condition with respiratory pain and contractions .
21 BELVILLE : I found her to be a coquette , an told her so and she is offended .
22 At first he wants nothing more than a quick lay with a pretty maid , then wants her to be his mistress , then is able to admit to himself that he loves her , but the idea of marriage across the social barrier is impossible for him .
23 If she has lost her partner to another woman , it will be assumed that she must be more beautiful , more clever , more sexy : in fact she wants her to be .
24 Timing is of the essence , which is why so many youthful romances go awry ; she is just getting somewhere with her career but he has already arrived and wants her to be there for him , or vice versa .
25 He wants her to be the top model in the world .
26 But one of them wants my daughter to die , and one wants her to be free . ’
27 Nevertheless , one would not have wished her to be miserable .
28 If Nicky Scott Wilson wanted to keep his life secret , that was fine by her ; but he need n't expect her to be a part of it , in that case .
29 Just tell us when she 's going , what 's going to happen to her , and how long we can expect her to be there . ’
30 I could not expect her to be bridesmaid .
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