Example sentences of "[verb] because she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Had she only responded because she 'd needed to be loved ?
2 She had been totally engrossed in her thoughts , but her body must have switched on to autodrive because she had managed to eat the food on her plate without really tasting it , and had probably contributed to the conversation without even being aware of what she was saying .
3 Well it wo n't bounce because she got that money saved th , she got that money for her loan .
4 And it did quite , but bad Lydia did n't know because she had made up her mind already and was blind to the simpler aspects of reality .
5 She should know because she has competed three times , once dressed as a fairy who thumbed a lift from a passing coach full of male senior citizens , which really made their day .
6 For a few moments she felt nineteen again , unsure and nervous , easily browbeaten because she had very little self-confidence .
7 The night before her operation Mrs Fellows was prescribed a sedative to help her relax and sleep because she admitted that she felt very nervous .
8 I just wonder if she and Cathy might like to come because she did say to me , how is Cathy and I said she was
9 He was said to be fuming because she had n't told him where she was staying during her family skiing holiday in Klosters .
10 The ‘ expert ’ may have to be interviewed because she has special knowledge of a situation which it is vital for the researcher to have guidance on .
11 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
12 ‘ But the immigration officials and security men just laughed and said she was pretending because she did n't want to be sent back . ’
13 Peter Barkworth ends his Sassoon evenings by waving triumphantly a battered copy of the memoirs ; even with a more controversial figure such as Lillian Hellman , Frances de la Tour only accepted because she felt sympathetic and compatible .
14 And she said to me she said , Mrs she said , I like to hear to talk because she said you do n't put no airs on .
15 She sincerely hoped that she could make it to the track before any car came because she knew exactly what a mess she looked .
16 ‘ She only came because she wanted to see the film . ’
17 She recalled that fatal time when she had wept because she knew she had diminished Jack , had demoted him , had cracked the perfect image , had lodged in her mind that little black poisonous atom .
18 Erm not up to visitors , ma erm , sh she has limited the times she 's visited because she 's got the children , and he 's just really not able to stand the children
19 Do n't panic about a squint that comes and goes in the first few months , though , as this is quite normal and happens because she has n't developed binocular vision yet .
20 ‘ She does n't speak because she does n't need to , ’ said Rachaela .
21 Sometimes they had speculated on how she would develop but not often : mostly she was taken for granted because she had been such a quiet child , sitting dozily in her pram outside the Dog and Duck while the sun went down .
22 She can not see because she does not wish to see .
23 " Nowhere , " she said , but her mother always knew when she was lying because she had n't been a bad liar in her time herself , and it took one to know one .
24 At first it were good because it were incentive for her to keep going because she 'd , you know , paid so much but toward the end , she said , it were getting ridiculous .
25 She asked for her name not to be used because she wanted to protect her relationship with regular callers .
26 His grandmother , living in luxury in the Plaza Hotel in Buenos Aires and grumbling because she had to wash her own stockings , claimed she had no money even to pay her own bills .
27 I remember now Mrs Maybury grumbling because she 'd had to do it all herself .
28 When I look back I realize just what a hard time Mother must have had because she did not enjoy what one might describe as robust health .
29 got these two , I think she would of had because she loves children
30 She was a longstanding institution in the place and her shortcomings tended to be overlooked because she looked after an elderly invalid mother at home and everyone wondered how she managed her dual responsibilities .
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