Example sentences of "[verb] be [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 How can the council tax be easy to collect if the people who are responsible for collecting it simply do not know how much they must collect from each household ?
2 This one was thick and protuberant , and bent unexpectedly at the top : it looked like a cross between a penis and a corkscrew , and the little group looked at it as if wondering who would dare be first to point this out .
3 Erm whereas if there were independent trustees responsible to the regulator and they were properly trained , they would I suggest be able to smell out very quickly any malpractice and would have straight to the regulator , if only to call a stop for someone to have a look at it .
4 Yes , yes er whereas if there were independent trustees responsible to the regulator and they were properly trained , they would I suggest be able to smell out very quickly an malpractice and would have a group straight to the regulator , if only to call a stop for someone to have a look at it .
5 You gotter be tough to live 'ere . ’
6 When the leaves fall from the trees you 'll jest be able to make it out .
7 If this applies be prepared to show the interviewer what the advantages of your youth are .
8 If this is the case do be sure to let the person know when they can leave .
9 Jenny Pitman 's Do Be Brief stepped onto a racecourse for the first time in the first division of the Christmas Pudding Novice Hurdle and made quite an impression in beating Sailor 's Luck , but not half as big as his stable-companion Egypt Mill , who looked something special in landing the second division by 10 lengths .
10 Remember the cardinal rule in this situation is to push both sticks forward , but do be ready to leap out of the way if necessary !
11 No therapist has a magic wand and many forms of complementary treatment involve cooperation between practitioner and patient — either by way of ‘ homework ’ or of keeping a note of any changes which may occur — so do be prepared to play your part .
12 How can one charge be easier to prove than the other ?
13 that 's fucking going some for a ship that size I would love to have be able to fly with the or something
14 He said be sure to back this horse — over the sticks at Fontwell Park . ’
15 Or is it you both said be nice did n't you ?
16 er actually who are all in front , mostly from Stanton which I represent , they have made their views known to me some years ago , er this might happen , erm I 'm very glad that you have responded now to their concerns as well as the concerns of the villages and , and this paper does mark significant erm success co-operation between a lot of people involved and for that reason I welcome it , I would ask if it becomes be prepared to make it six months instead of three months please .
17 The concept of total aircraft ownership will become increasingly important should the traditional trade structure be unable to cover the expanse of technologies economically .
18 Well you 've be alright going out tonight .
19 If you do have responsible or professional choices to make be sure to get all the facts .
20 Well I 'll be contacting them in the next fortnight er if and to make be able to pass on my card , I 'll leave you two cards so that they , they know to expect a phone call from myself .
21 They believe that only as a free-standing business will SAP be able to hold its own against the competition — particularly with world demand for soda ash growing at less than one per cent a year .
22 When you or Rob phone in , can you please be ready to discuss this ( size and budget essentially ) .
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