Example sentences of "[verb] on that day " in BNC.

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1 Some modern footgear and small sized chocks would have been better than acid drops on that day !
2 Opening the case for the prosecution , the Council 's lawyer , Mr Neil Calver told magistrates that by trading on that day , B & Q had contravened the Shops Act .
3 Please let me know if you are n't able to come on that day because the security at the Palace of Westminster is very sensitive and if we do n't turn up with the right number of people we could be in trouble !
4 A controversial bill normally uses up all the available time on a Friday and other bills due to be considered on that day fail for lack of time .
5 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
6 A man of sincere , but unformed , liberal political convictions , he had been angered by the events of 5 October and had given medical treatment to some of those injured on that day .
7 The committee agreed to this , provided no other stall or show was allowed to open on that day .
8 If you 're asked to answer , say , four questions in three hours , allow yourself sufficient time to study the exam paper and select the right questions for you to answer on that day .
9 The council meeting on that day tackled the question of how to pay for the coronation and the longer-term problem of household expenses .
10 The council meeting on that day tackled the question of how to pay for the coronation and the longer-term problem of household expenses .
11 The climax of his national captaincy , of course , came on that day in 1966 when he skippered England to their 4-2 triumph over West Germany at Wembley .
12 If we have to return cheques , standing orders or direct debits unpaid because there are insufficient funds in your account , then a further charge of £15 will be made on that day .
13 And that 's the judgement that 'll be made on that day .
14 And thence to Halifax where they had entered the town in their thousands , led by the women , Sairellen had been pleased to hear , walking four and five abreast , empty-handed and bare-headed as she had herself once walked to York , singing the psalm she too had sung on that day .
15 The senders of the first five correct entries drawn on that day will each win a copy of the book .
16 She said : ‘ Our initial horror and disbelief at what happened on that day was replaced over time by the realisation that that day heralded the start of the British Government 's Shoot-to-Kill policy in Northern Ireland ’ .
17 There were 16 other games going on that day and there could have been a score of bad incidents missed by the referee .
18 For example , if you start your period every 23 to 32 days , you should count forward 11 days and begin testing on that day .
19 Dieter went off and returned a few minutes later with the information that Marie-Claire never came in on a Wednesday because her children 's school was closed on that day .
20 It is very probable that the seed sown on that day in Alloway , blossomed so many years later , and was harvested as the kernel of a fruit of genius .
21 ‘ If I am wearing a pure white carnation I am best avoided on that day because it means I am in a bad mood , ’ he said , adding that he always warns new acquaintances of this fact but has as yet not lived up to the threat .
22 The DIY company argues that if it had n't opened , it would indirectly be discriminating against the mainly female staff employed on that day .
23 From then on the year was regarded by the Romans as beginning on that day .
24 Remember on that day we went on that minibus down to the
25 President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak cut short an official five-day visit to China ( where he had arrived on that day ) to return to Egypt .
26 Mark in any symptoms that you have experienced on that day only .
27 Ray was one of four people arrested on that day .
28 ‘ Tuesday was the day he went off in the van and came back with a bruised face ; presumably you 've got a record of the people he called on that day ?
29 When William Burnes died at Lochlea in 1784 , John Tennant lent a horse to help to convey his body to Alloway for burial in the grounds of Kirk Alloway and memories of Alloway and the ruined kirk must have been recalled by both families when they met on that day .
30 Judge Allen told Clarke : ‘ Nothing this court can do can remedy the harm caused by your decision to drive on that day . ’
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