Example sentences of "[verb] on it as " in BNC.

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1 So if four of us were to work on it as a group ,
2 I look on it as a work of God .
3 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
4 Obviously many look on it as a significant occasion which is very , very flattering ’ .
5 I look on it as home .
6 Look on it as an extra bit of security for all that money you 've invested in the station .
7 That Cheetah has the name ‘ Bert ’ engraved on it as a permanent memorial to Bert Mason who has worked unstintingly on bringing the Cheetahs back to life and had worked at 42 AS during the war years .
8 Many people these days have a rather negative concept of health in that they tend to look on it as a state in which one does not feel ill or has no pain — in other words , a state of absence of illness .
9 Gain-up does tend to make the picture look rather grainy , though , so it is best to look on it as a last resort and reserve it for those times when a grainy picture is better than no picture at all .
10 She was determined not to look on it as the ending of a chapter but the making of a new beginning .
11 Do n't be tempted to look on it as anything permanent . ’
12 She was n't much of a drinker either — did n't even particularly like the taste of alcohol , but she 'd have to look on it as a necessary medicine .
13 Balanced with a diet of the gospels , I would look on it as the church planters ' manual .
14 Those who would wish to take it in parts please show those against taking it in parts this evening we will vote on it as one amendment in that case .
15 It is almost too virtuous and optimistic to believe , but the Fifties readers seized on it as a model .
16 And so I worked on it as as a kid now .
17 Many looked on it as a long-term investment. , with over a quarter planning to hold on to their savings for more than 10 years .
18 I looked on it as an acknowledgement not just to me but to the programme I represented .
19 I 'd worked on it as the slide projectionist One of the reasons we were all so keen on going to the party was that Faustus was a joint production with the local girls school .
20 Held , allowing the appeal , that , notwithstanding the general principle that a trading or non-trading corporation was entitled to sue in libel to protect so much of its corporate reputation , as distinct from that of its members , as was capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , a local authority , as a corporate public authority , was not entitled at common law to sue for libel to protect its governing reputation ; that to allow it to do so would impose a substantial and unjustifiable restriction on freedom of expression , since an action for malicious falsehood , or a prosecution for criminal libel , provided the local authority with the sufficient and necessary protection it required in a democratic society ; and that , therefore , the local authority could not maintain its libel action for any words which reflected on it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in that county ( post , pp. 41H , 48F–G , H — 49B , 56B–C , 58A–B , 59F–G , 65B–C , F ) .
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