Example sentences of "[verb] on [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
2 In an extreme case , someone may act on them for the reason that , or on the principle that , ‘ a little bit of what you fancy does you good ’ .
3 The heads of governments asked the commission to come back with precise proposals for how this should be done , so that they could act on them at June 's summit in Copenhagen .
4 He brought the screaming Gilera four to the North West in ‘ 55 , and won on it at 97.60mph over the old course .
5 ‘ You did n't jump on us like a friend , ’ Allen objected .
6 She was always surprised that things did n't fall on her from the sky more often , considering how much was up there these days .
7 Furthermore , the duty to uphold and support just institutions is , in some respects , wider than the duty which devolves on one as a result of the fact that someone has legitimate authority over one , in three different ways .
8 Unlike Poland , eastern Germany can count on plenty of economic support in the form of subsidies and inward investment .
9 I did n't know any details , but a month or so ago I had a row with my uncle and he said then that I must n't count on anything from him ; if I did I 'd be disappointed . ’
10 If the computer 's field of activity is limited to our planet , and if our fate depends on it alone , then we can not count on anything after death except some permutation of what we have already experienced in life ; we shall again encounter similar landscapes and beings .
11 Gandhi indeed could count on the British conscience for his personal safety , but he could never count on it for political concessions — and it is clear that at some level he understood this .
12 er slung on us from another department .
13 They are also very confident people with a secure sense of their own identity , and are able to resist the various pressures brought to bear on them by friends , relatives and society .
14 There were very strong objections from one landowner and frontager and much pressure was brought to bear on him by both the company and the Rural District Council , who announced on 9 September that he had accepted their conditions .
15 Similarly , as the hand wanders in a doodle , the mind is free to concentrate on something at the back of it : in this case , the ideas just put before the children .
16 The mental strain of trying to concentrate on it with small children is considerable , and so is the physical strain of getting it all home .
17 It is at the level of explanation that the sexism of sociolinguistics is most blatantly on display , and I want to concentrate on it in the remainder of this section .
18 Wiping the board clean , she began to write on it in bold letters something that would be comprehensible only to herself and Miss Harker : PLEASE HELP ME
19 Both the New Criticism and Scrutiny were products of the modernist literary revolution , and drew on it for their methods and their assumptions .
20 He could have taken the isolation better if it was n't for the batteries in his radio dying on him without warning ; usually they faded over a couple of nights but this time it was just zonk , no signal .
21 ‘ I believe , ’ said the commissioner who reported on it to the Health of Towns Commission in 1845 ,
22 It had KATZ FAMILY ALBUM embossed on it in gold .
23 Given too free a hand during years when he , like David II earlier , had fallen into English captivity , they resented the disciplines which their returning king was determined to impose on them in the cause of national unification .
24 He had often , in their earlier correspondence , spoken of a test or ideal that he wished to impose on himself as a rein on his passionate temperament and his over-eager response to physical beauty and joy .
25 We all want basic comforts , but there are intelligent ways of producing these comforts and intelligent limits to impose on oneself in order not to foul the nest for everybody else .
26 O nine of four six four one six four one if you 'd like to comment on something in the news at the moment something on er Judy 's just said or er on this business of of life imprisonment , No longer to be the automatic penalty for murder judges to be given the freedom to impose whatever penalty they see fit .
27 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
28 For comparison , he asked the Head of Department to comment on it in terms of variety and amount .
29 ‘ You attacked me and tried to force yourself upon me , you wanted to blackmail me , you followed me around and spied on me in Helmsley — and you say I 've nothing to fear ! ’
30 And Melanie had spied on them through a keyhole , and would never get closer to them than the keyhole in the door behind which they lived .
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