Example sentences of "[verb] that he only " in BNC.

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1 His uncertainty over what he had and where it might be seemed to indicate that he only drank when he entertained , and that he did n't entertain very often .
2 Rush insists that he only acted under the strain of mental pressure .
3 The extension of the offence to include obtaining possession or control will have the result that if Kilham , although pretending that he only wanted to borrow the horse , had in fact intended to deprive the owner permanently , he would be guilty under the clause , because he obtained possession of the horse .
4 He says that he only takes pike because eels have become inedible due to pollution .
5 Resist him and keep remembering that he only wants you to further his ambitions …
6 He did attempt to reassure me ( perhaps of his sanity ) by adding that he only had a ‘ basic marine system ’ in mind — not a miniature reef system or a 600 gallon show tank job .
7 Certainly the ambition was in both cases the same : in a lecture which he gave soon after finishing The Cocktail Party he declared that he only wished to write plays " of contemporary life " .
8 ‘ When I went to old Abuelo Freitas , Maria told me that you sometimes worried too much about him — that you did n't understand that he only wanted to be left alone .
9 The writer remarked that he had ‘ never doubted but that he had succeeded in his place by a commission from the Treasury untill of late that I discovered that he only officiated by orders and an interim warrand from the Commissioners of Customs ’ .
10 Probably by saying that he only supplied what custom dictated as appropriate to the social status of the deceased , and that everything was done for the complete satisfaction of his client .
11 Alice swore that he only took tea once , and certainly did not stay overnight .
12 So when did he admit that he only wanted your money ? ’
13 Patrick knew that he only intended to lag the putt up close , but as so often when a player does that the ball ran exactly along the line he had chosen , curved left as it ended its run and plopped neatly into the hole .
14 as if he knew that he only had to put his arms around her for her to immediately surrender , to succumb , a willing victim , to the force of his dark enchantment .
15 These applications are not regarded as a mere formality by most courts which may require the originating application to state the grounds in proper detail , for example that the lessor may require to occupy at the expiration of the lease ; that the premises are temporarily surplus to the needs of the lessor ; that the lessee has indicated that he only requires the premises for a limited period ; that there is to be development at the expiration of the term ; that the lessor is only prepared to grant if the section is excluded ; that exclusion of the section has been taken into consideration in negotiations for the rent , or possibly that the premises form part of other premises which brings the provisions of management of the whole into question if the section is not excluded .
16 Concerning videotapes , the Head of Department said that he only held two which were shared with another department ( i.e. were constantly reused ) and that he could not afford to build up a library of them .
17 He gave her a cynical look , as much as to say that he only half believed her .
18 He also wore uniform but explained that he only held an honorary rank .
19 When my chap turned to confront the Manston sentry — who was on guard with a rifle and one round , and obviously felt that the chap on the wrong side of the wire could be one of those attacking his airfield — my chap said sharply something to the effect : " Can you get us out of here ? " and explained that he only meant his oppoes , not the Stirling .
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