Example sentences of "[verb] that although a " in BNC.

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1 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
2 I wonder how many people realise that although a guarantee has run out , you still have a right to claim ?
3 For the present purposes , however , the model 's general validity for European societies pre 1980 illustrates that although a state is necessary in a capitalist economic system its particular form can vary substantially to reflect local circumstances : form and function should not be confused .
4 Jones found that although a reasonably high number of employers thought that qualifications were desirable , less than half thought them to be essential .
5 A UN team visited Kuwait in March and reported that although a deliberate attempt had been made to " extinguish Kuwait " , the country had made good progress in dealing with immediate humanitarian needs [ see p. 38082 for mission to Iraq ] .
6 In a report , Water pollution incidents in England and Wales — 1990 , the NRA says that although a lack of previous data makes an assessment of overall trends difficult , there is no question that the number of incidents reported has risen .
7 In relation to the example of the headship issue , it would follow that although a woman may not hold a position of authority in the church , she may be prime minister .
8 The report showed that although a total of 62 ballistic missiles , 18 launch pads , 33 missile warheads , 127 missile storage-racks and substantial amounts of rocket fuel had so far been destroyed , " questions remain[ed] " about Iraq 's capability to manufacture short- and long-range Scud missiles .
9 It was found that although a four-week tutorial programme had been prepared , the children in the mainstream school were far more receptive and accepting of the situation and could not see any reason for delaying the child 's integration .
10 It was Taylor 's opinion that their experience had proved that although a considerable quantity of ore remained to be got from the various veins , the expenses of all kinds in the district , remote as it was from other mining fields , prevented fair remuneration for risking capital and exerting their skill .
11 In the case of Attorney General v C.P.C. ( UK ) Ltd. the case was adjourned sine die to enable the defendants to undertake further measures to abate the odour , and in Attorney General v Squires an injunction was refused , the court finding that although a serious public nuisance had been created by the defendants , it had been abated , the way in which the pig farming was now carried on being considerably improved since the case was tried .
12 SIB said that although a large number of investors have received redress there may be others who are not aware they have reason for complaint or of how to complain and may be eligible for compensation .
13 On Sept. 15 René Alseny Gomez , Secretary-General to the Presidency , said that legislation on the adoption of democracy would be ready by Dec. 31 , thus creating the conditions for the launch of the democratic process in the new year ; he also said that although a two-party system was envisaged by the Transitional Committee for National Recovery , more parties could be created if " national conditions " required .
14 We have defined awareness as the disposition to take into account in choices , and we have always insisted that although a capacity to recall a feeling is necessary to continuing awareness of it , a constant maintenance of the feeling is not .
15 The RSPB reports that although a record number of the birds bred in Wales this year , the number of surviving young was disappointingly low .
16 Contingency theory suggests that although an informal structure is more efficient for smaller firms , in large organisations formalisation and bureaucracy is often the most efficient type of structure available .
17 Thus in Bernstein v Pamsons Motors ( Golders Green ) Ltd [ 1987 ] 2 all ER 220 , Rougier J held that although a purchaser of a new car was entitled to expect a better quality vehicle than the buyer of a second-hand car , nevertheless , teething problems had to be expected .
18 But if the doubt is compound , you will find that although a doubter can understand the answer , he may be reluctant to accept it .
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