Example sentences of "[verb] that we will " in BNC.

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1 This just lets you know that we will pay you travel costs to and from
2 It is extremely gratifying to know that we will have a knowledgeable and committed environmentalist in the House of Lords on whom we can rely for help whenever the need arises .
3 There are times when it is convenient for us to go to sleep ( the shops are not open , etc. ) and when it is expected that we will not be noisy .
4 I anticipate that in 1991 we will re-visit most of these subjects and I expect that we will address several others such as skills shortages , innovation policy and education policy proposals .
5 ‘ I think I am talking for us all when I say that we will gladly work for nothing , just until matters improve , we have all been so happy here at Summer Lodge and each and every one of us would like to stay with you wherever you go . ’
6 We say that we will protect single retired people , we will ensure that the rebate system is improved not only to help those people , but to target help on all those who need it and we will ensure that what people pay is based on their ability to pay and not on their status .
7 We are on solid ground when we say that we will oppose this Bill .
8 Notwithstanding the above , Cosmos can not accept any liability regarding the suitability of individual holidays and must reserve the right to decline a booking should it be considered that we will be unable to meet in full our contracted obligation to customers .
9 Nevertheless , I would predict that we will see Ray 's name in the records books before long , though , perhaps not until he turns the grand old age of 60 in another three or four years and can make a new charge up the age-group ladder .
10 Although it 's a little early to count numbers , let alone chickens , I think I can confidently predict that we will exceed our principal target , profit growth budget , comfortably , and there are many other businesses around who would be cock-a-hoop [ to mix my poultry metaphors ] at such a result in 1992 .
11 He thinks that we will never deal intelligently with these questions if we confuse them with questions about what is good in itself .
12 I repeat that we will maintain firm vigilance over local authority spending .
13 ‘ The golden rule of conduct , therefore , is mutual toleration seeing that we will never all think alike and that we shall always see Truth in fragment ( sic ) and from different angles of vision ’ .
14 I am delighted to confirm that we will do as my hon. Friend has asked .
15 It means learning how to create money easily and effortlessly , trusting that we will always have ‘ enough ’ .
16 Unfortunately , difficulties with the environmental conditions of the area which we had intended to use mean that we will now have to modify our plans .
17 The hon. Gentleman says that we will no doubt hear it again .
18 And what does say about that ? says that we will keep the level of charges down in the now privately owned companies providing public utilities so there 'll be nothing for dividends .
19 That means we are looking at having to dispose of around two and a half million tons of wet sewage every year by the end of the century , and the law says that we will not be able to dispose of it at sea . ’
20 We have also decided that we will look again at the costs of refurbishment .
21 But I hope that we will widen the net with this project so that people wo n't be scared to come forward . ’
22 Having arrived back in our contemporary world after our historical journey , I hope that we will be better able to view modernity with a certain detachment .
23 ‘ But if I can keep my sense of humour , I hope that we will be all right . ’
24 We have expressed our wish to the council that we would like to be consulted over the detailed implementation of the conditions and sincerely hope that we will be allowed to play a constructive part in this process .
25 We would like to thank all our customers for their support in the past and hope that we will enjoy your continued support in the future and that of new customers .
26 I hope that we will have an even greater response next year . ’
27 Hopefully as we improve our business , we may indeed see TV advertising in future years and we hope that we will become as well known as IBM , 3M or ICI . ’
28 I hope that we will continue that tradition and give HOWLTA every support in defending the nearest railway line to Bishop 's Castle and Clun .
29 If it is already in the Bill , I apologise , but I hope that we will finally resolve the injustice of the tax on empty properties .
30 Finally , since all too many non-payers were simply ’ wo n't payers ’ , sponging on the rest , I hope that we will provide all the powers necessary to ensure that never again are my constituents expected to pay for the law breakers .
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