Example sentences of "[verb] that be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What is difficult to establish is whether the job attracts the sort of goal profiles that are suitable or whether the individual is attracted by the job and then develops a profile suitable to it .
2 Marketing people suggest that are some characteristics which separate product and service marketing : a service can not be touched ; precise standardisation is difficult ; there is no transfer of ownership ; it can not be patented ; production and consumption are inseparable ; and the consumer is part of the process .
3 On one hand , the multinationals with their headquarters in the UK increasingly organize their worldwide production to gain the benefit of cheap labour in the Third World to carry out those parts of the manufacturing process that are labour-intensive , while the parts that are capital-intensive or rely on skilled techniques such as design are carried out in the UK .
4 The Algarve coastline has many beautiful beaches and covers that are well-worth searching for modern losses , as well as a few older Portuguese coins and the occasional ring .
5 Waters that are ice-covered remain unstirred by wind , and all particles including algae tend to sink and not be replaced .
6 Will he use the facilities of the European Community to ensure that ships that are manned and owned by France , for example , obey the new rules as quickly as possible ?
7 There 's nothing like sharing the highs ( and lows ) of success to build bonds : a camaraderie develops that 's hard to match , a shorthand — no need to explain fears and feelings , the other person knows already .
8 ( 2 ) Do not study consecutively subjects that are similar .
9 All the antibodies used in this study recognise epitopes that are resistant to formalin fixation and wax embedding .
10 Thus she concludes that being male or female gives one a distinctive viewpoint which should be included in any theory of human beings .
11 It 's like a pilot having opinions about aeroplanes , nobody thinks that 's odd .
12 Most of the fossils recovered are of wholly or partly aquatic amphibians , the sort that were easily preserved in the coal swamps that were characteristic of the Carboniferous non-marine environment .
13 That means flexible opening hours to suit local users , telephones that are answered promptly , inquiry points that are helpful , informative and efficient in directing the caller to the person best placed to help him or her , and signposts to help the citizen locate whatever he or she wants .
14 Two points are strongly suggested by the foregoing sketch of observation via the sense of sight , points that are key ones for the inductivist .
15 The third goal attempts to focus the data analyst 's attention on data points that are unusual for a substantive reason , not just because of the shape of the distribution .
16 No other industry has such a long history of coming up with environment-friendly selling points that are profit-friendly too .
17 I think one of the things that has to be addressed is not " who does this belong to ? " but " what is the basis for a common approach ? " so that we can get a common assessment policy so that we can get reassessment whenever it 's required , so that we can get packages of care devised that are appropriate to the needs of people and so on .
18 It was not until 164 BC , almost a century later , that a public sundial was erected that was appropriate to Rome 's latitude .
19 That 'd suit me seeing that 's black more than navy blue .
20 The task of management , therefore , is to provide the kind of structures for career development , in-service education , and curriculum development and review that are likely to enhance the quality of educational provision .
21 ( She also took away supplies that were vital for all the fleet — a third of the Armada 's biscuit supply , a third of its meat , and sixty per cent of its currants , chickpeas and figs . )
22 Suddenly I say one of the ‘ Stop Checkpoint ’ signs that are ubiquitous in Ulster , but it was outside the Leggykelly , a pub just five hundred yards south of the border .
23 Further problems may arise that are orthographical in origin : a. a familiar letter is used to represent a different sound , e.g. the letter " r " in English " rat " and Portuguese " rato " b. a letter is used but the sound is not pronounced , e.g. Spanish " h " as in " hoja — leaf c. a combination of letters is used to represent a single sound , e.g. final im in written Portuguese is pronounced d. a single letter is used to represent two sounds , e.g. in Portuguese the letter " x " is used for [ z ] in " exame " , and for [ s ] in " caixa " As your sounds get checked , decisions about phonemes made , and you 've compared the phoneme charts , you are ready to start putting some of the words from your check list into pronunciation drills .
24 British Coal insists that is main aim is to hold on to the three-year contracts with the two electricity generators , which will be renegotiated in March next year .
25 Even horses that are full brothers or sisters , and have been handled by the same people in the same conditions all their lives , can be very different not only in looks but also in personality .
26 Four of the six patients with idiopathic DU had gastrin responses to eating that were similar to those of the H pylori positive patients with DU and H pylori positive volunteers .
27 Advertising speaks , in the main , of accelerations that are laughable on crowded city streets , top speeds that are illegal and handling that is beneficial only to rally drivers .
28 The three groups for which most data are available , the carnivores , the rodents and the artiodactyls or even-toed ungulates , reveal running speeds that are independent of mass .
29 But in all these descriptions , as in his characters and his story lines , we are taken from the particular to the general ; we are led to see that it is not what happens that is important nor what effect action has on the people concerned , but what meaning we can extract , or guess at , from the impact on our senses and our intellect of the whole .
30 Currently available for building interfaces that are portable across Motif , Open Look , Apple Mac , Presentation Manager and Windows , a Windows NT version will be shown at Comdex later this month .
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