Example sentences of "[verb] you about [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My captain phoned you about the two people from OM-45 .
2 ‘ I 've been asking around about Werner , who interviewed you about the accident .
3 Some of them had to walk because you they they could n't take them in in in any conveyance at all because er it was over what they call the viaducts , you know and the big rushes and reeds , I told you about a chap hitting them did n't I ?
4 And I told you about the garden going down to the river , did n't I ? ’
5 ‘ I suppose His Holiness Pope Breakspear told you about the senator 's offer , eh , Thessalonians ?
6 Did the things they told you about the ad or the product correspond at all to what you hoped they would get out of it ?
7 ‘ Two years ago , Adai told you about the holes in the AOL .
8 ‘ I told you about the Carnival when I replied to your last letter .
9 in notes 37 we told you about the Government 's policy on market testing .
10 I told you about the pains , ’ — she is holding her stomach — ‘ and the thing I ca n't bear is this week the children have them too . ’
11 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
12 ‘ I ca n't believe it … definitely the Hamlet if I want it — I 've worked with those people before ; remember I told you about the provincial-theatre year ? ’ she said , scrambling her words .
13 Who told you about the blood-groups ? ’
14 ‘ My agent told you about the remuneration ? ’
15 like that , and he said it was ever so funny , he took fifty up there because , I bet he told you about the money betting and all that and he 's said he bet fifty pound , he thought christ he said , I was bloody lucky he said I , I had the , I said well David .
16 No no , do n't put the nuts in your mouth , remember what daddy told you about the nuts in there .
17 Remember that thing I told you about the bones the other night ?
18 I know sa so if you get mine what , I told you about the blind as they go , do n't pull them up when they 're wet .
19 ‘ I wish you 'd remember what I keep urging you about the Hörst Wessel Song .
20 Now let's keep reminding you about the time situation , sixty five minutes gone , Shrewsbury have another twenty five minutes in which to hang on here , it 's Shrewsbury three , Blackburn Rovers two , it 's gon na be a nervous evening here for the normally placid Shropshire folk at as that ball is headed forward by and here 's , again in field to , clipped forward for Mike , here comes advancing towards the edge of the penalty area , he 's got ta try and get past the brick wall of , and it 's now who tries to release down the right hand side , he 's got ta get past , he does so , he gets the ball across and that one is cleared importantly by only as far as who tries to hook it back in and that the ball would n't reach him and it would n't reach either and it 's gone out for a goal kick to Shrewsbury .
21 ‘ Just called to see you about the musicians for the party , ’ he said .
22 But you said you you when I asked you about the clinic on Street you thou you thought had heard of it .
23 ‘ You remember me , I asked you about the meters … well my car was just here on this corner and … ’
24 In that case , perhaps I can consult you about the other unpleasant incident . ’
25 and I interrupted you about the casual ward , so you did n't really finish that ?
26 He must have told you about a Darkfall back there .
27 A few years ago , if you had asked almost any biologist what was special about living things as opposed to nonliving things , he would have told you about a special substance called protoplasm .
28 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
29 They 've given me a major interrogation — I 'd told you about the Englishman — that 's what I should have been working on , not an idiot fire .
30 If I 'd told you about the entry earlier on it might have lulled you into a false sense of complacency .
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