Example sentences of "[verb] you [adv] what " in BNC.

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1 This series of cookbooks illustrates each stage of every recipe with attractive colour photographs that show you exactly what to do .
2 It takes a little bit longer for me , but erm we show you then what 's on the sheet , so you know what is there .
3 But I told you once what my views were on marriage .
4 ‘ I ca n't give you back what I helped you to lose , so I only hope you do n't regret it , Luce . ’
5 But let me show you exactly what we I 'll I 'll bring in to being the list of businesses which we invite the golf club to forward to us .
6 Have they asked about , have you er anybody asked you yet what it what it is ?
7 see what they do is they start you off and then they give you now what action do get from these words .
8 And like I thought I 'm not gon na look up in case he goes for me or something , so I just kept my head in the pillow and pretended the light was blinding me oh ha ha cos when I get you alone what ?
9 He then urges experimentation on a sheet of watercolour paper , teaching you just what can be achieved by moving the brushes over the paper .
10 Bob said you you do what we tell you not what he tells you .
11 The detailed Club descriptions tell you exactly what each Club has to offer , so do take time to read them too .
12 I had better , ’ said Mr Stanforth , philosophically accepting the fact of her total ignorance , ‘ tell you exactly what the position is .
13 I 'll read it to you later and tell you exactly what 's happening .
14 tell you roughly what I want you to do and you can make a few notes and then you can tell Kelly .
15 I think a song 's power is reduced if it is accompanied by a monologue which tells you exactly what is going on .
16 It prepared them for exactly the kind of material they can expect to see on the day — and because it is written by the examiners themselves , you can be sure that it tells you exactly what the examiners are looking for !
17 It is like digging with a text-book which tells you exactly what you are going to find .
18 Nancy Stewart tells you exactly what to do in a life-threatening situation
19 I just want to make certain she tells you exactly what happened . ’
20 Thought to be the first computerised nutritional system in the world , it tells you exactly what to eat and how much of it .
21 The fate map should be regarded rather like a train timetable — it tells you only what will normally happen .
22 Is it , it tells you though what , what interests is erm I , I love the virtue of this period so , yeah , it 's a good excuse for me to sort of
23 It 's the around it would it would pay you so what you were saying do six in the Autumn and six in the Winter and do n't do anything else .
24 I do n't suppose you now what that means at all do you ?
25 Ah , it maybe that after the conversation has finished unless they ask you directly what you are doing .
26 they ask you directly what they 're doing and erm
27 Let me tell you briefly what happened .
28 ‘ Be seated , and I will tell you briefly what I shall require you to do .
29 And shall I tell you again what it really contained ? ’
30 Our sales negotiators will tell you exactly what costs are involved .
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