Example sentences of "[verb] i had an " in BNC.

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1 I did n't think I had an option — I was no teenage Lothario — but anyway I knew instinctively , without even having to ask him , that Mr Broadhurst would view the loss of my virginity as incompatible with my apprenticeship .
2 You see I mean I had an uncle , he 's passed on now , and he was an avid pipe-smoker .
3 However an X-ray at 38 weeks revealed I had an enormous pelvis so a relatively normal birth was on the cards .
4 How many people go back home and say I had an affair ?
5 With you I would feel I had an ally . ’
6 ‘ I did n't fancy having a lot of kids tearing about the house , but , having brought up my own , I did n't feel I had an excuse .
7 I was all set to attend his mother 's barbecue , but then he discovered I had an assignment and refused to let me cancel . ’
8 After my waters broke I had an uncontrollable urge to push but the midwife told me not to .
9 To finish I had an amazing acacia honey cheesecake with caramelized satsumas and my gluttonous partner went for chef Vickery 's selection which featured tasty samples of many delicious desserts .
10 I think she thought I had an eye on your grandad . ’
11 ‘ I think I had an extremely fair hearing , ’ he said afterwards .
12 Man , I wish I had an American rug , instead of this old dishtowel I live my life under
13 I 'll say I had an anonymous tip-off . ’
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