Example sentences of "[verb] was [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Top Flying-boats had a glamorous image , but disembarking was often an undignified scramble .
2 The box I built was basically a crate with a dividing wall and a piston inside .
3 The measure used was simply the total number of accidents reported at a junction in this period .
4 The incidence found was probably an underestimate of true community incidence as the protocol did not pick up those people in whom , for whatever reason , the clinicians caring for them did not measure the serum electrolyte values .
5 What Hope had to bear was exactly the same kind of pressure as other blacks of his generation .
6 The number of the presidential decree was 937 , which the superstitious might have noticed was also the number of passengers on board when the St Louis left Europe .
7 The prior to whom this was written was still the Italian , Henry , who had been appointed by Lanfranc almost thirty years earlier .
8 Unusual , perhaps , tiresome to his office — but if the strange behaviour at which his daughter had hinted was really a sort of battiness , the office would have made its own arrangements to get by .
9 The story he told was precisely the story that Lanfranc had told in 1072 , with the single exception that he says nothing about the ultimum quasi robur of the whole case in the series of documents mentioned by Lanfranc .
10 His sins of micro-commission were small ; and the macro thing he did not do was hardly a new failure .
11 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
12 SAVE was now the owner of a building we had not so far gained access to .
13 And , having provided a generally pessimistic account of the evacuee children 's condition , Our Towns drew the conclusion that what was needed was primarily a reform of the education system that would ‘ lay the foundations for community life and expose the schools to the pressure of middle-class standards and requirements ’ , with an emphasis on ‘ training for future wives ’ .
14 When Gypsy made the Dance Top Ten , the ‘ video ’ shown was simply a bizarre still photo of what appeared to be a bespectacled school-kid .
15 The young man looked startled that what he 'd thought was just a speck in his eye was turning out to be something much more serious .
16 In fact , what happened was quite the opposite .
17 Although there was a random procedure for replacing such houses with others of the same general type , interviewing was nevertheless a time-consuming , depressing and occasionally frightening experience .
18 I find that the qualifications she would have got was either the degree she hoped for or a Higher National Diploma for reasons which I shall now set out .
19 The baby fluff had disappeared and the new hair that was growing was quite a different colour .
20 If rambling was a leisurely walk in the countryside on a Sunday afternoon , hiking was altogether a more ambitious enterprise , frequently involving a trip further afield for a week or a fortnight 's hard walking using map and compass , regarded as an indispensable accomplishment as the threat of war increased .
21 Under the accord , which Bustos claimed was only a " first step " falling short of CUT demands , a new minimum wage of US$87 was to be paid from June 1 in addition to adjustments to family allowances , pensions and some subsidies , which would be subject to annual vision .
22 At one time it was assumed that the best approach was one of stealth and caution , particularly as the most productive place to fish was invariably no more than a rod 's length away from your own bank .
23 What had occurred was precisely the sort of ‘ semi-hysterical outburst of militancy ’ which McCann had criticised , and far from exposing and isolating the Nationalists , an informal united front had been struck up and the politicians were being allowed to clamber onto the DHAC 's bandwagon .
24 Another version says that the idea of tapes being wiped was just a wheeze to get a comfortable taxi back to base !
25 The existence of an ether in space had been a highly controversial issue with scientists until 1951 , when Nobel Laureate , Paul Dirac , affirmed that the ether he thought existed was essentially an all-pervading sea of electrons in random motion .
26 I attempted desperately to convince myself that what I was experiencing was just a particularly cruel and hateful dream concocted by some part of my mind determined to exact due penalty from my conscience for my having behaved with such despicable lack of grace during the holidays … but failed utterly ; my sub-conscious ' stock of nightmare-paradigms includes nothing so banally twisted as Gav .
27 Each had an incomplete faith because the aspect of truth he sensed was only a part of the full truth of who Jesus is .
28 It is somewhat ironical that this position was carefully constructed by earlier Republican presidents and that CITES was primarily the brainchild of the Nixon administration .
29 She was tired of kneeling , listening to their voices droning on : ‘ Our Father who art in heaven , hallowed be Thy name ’ , and ‘ Hail Mary , full of grace ’ , which was all she could make out of the second bit , because what followed was just a mumble .
30 What he perceived was rather the state of the doctor and he inferred from this that a change must have taken place at some time before that moment .
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