Example sentences of "[verb] i [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By the time we met I had almost reached The Old Castle Inn at Old Sarum and good old Dad bought me the largest ginger beer I 've ever had .
2 I realized I had never known any other world apart from Lowood or Gateshead .
3 I realized I knew almost nothing about his background .
4 ‘ I do n't think I realised quite how kind until they were killed . ’
5 I did n't think I looked so dreadful before , and I certainly did n't think it was any business of theirs how I looked .
6 I do n't think I 'd better .
7 But I do n't think I 'd better think about that .
8 ‘ Well , there was a little problem , but I do n't think I 'd better talk about it on the phone . ’
9 ‘ I do n't think I 'd better join you , ’ he said in a heavy German accent .
10 ‘ No problem , but if you want me in the village do n't you think I 'd better get some transport of my own ?
11 Anyone 'd think I 'd never had a baby before . ’
12 you 'd think I 'd never fed him !
13 I do n't think I 'd ever really looked at him , to be honest .
14 I do n't think I 'd ever felt so taxed in my career .
15 I definitely , I do n't really think I got more than I did in the end of year , last year one , I think I got forty percent in that
16 Did I really think I knew better than the FO , full of clever people who were experts on British foreign policy ?
17 Why do you think I came here ? ’
18 I do n't think I slept right through that whole week .
19 No , I do n't think I had even taken any A levels when I left school . ’
20 " I like babies , why do you think I had so many ?
21 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
22 I do n't think I had ever run in such marvellous conditions .
23 ‘ You may think I fell apart and did n't handle myself very well . ’
24 I wanted a Knitmaster , but my husband insisted that this must be a better buy , although I do n't think I paid more than £42.00 for it .
25 Well I do n't think I did so
26 Well I do n't think I did so
27 Well I do n't think I did really , I just was n't very sharp really .
28 I do n't think I dreamt that far . ’
29 ‘ Well , why do you think I called tonight ? ’
30 I yes , I mean it did make I did actually see a press release erm
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