Example sentences of "[verb] i [verb] only " in BNC.

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1 There was no doubting her sister 's passion as she struggled to express her resentment , writing : — on my life Lily I declare I want only what is best for the child and would not be Cruel to him nor the cause of Cruelty and what you asked was Cruel the child knowing no Italian and being Fearful of leaving me the only Mother he has known and who he loves as his own .
2 About4 weeks ago I realised I had only put this in the hallway after the title season , and promptly took it down .
3 I mean I 've only just come out of hospital and as it is I 'm still fairly well Macked with it .
4 I tell you what I , I enjoy doing as well I mean I 've only done it while I 've , I 've been out er abroad with gang of them , it 's like , you know when everything 's quietened down
5 I mean I 've only got some figures here up to the twenty fourth of February , and in that particular week we sold about thirteen and a half thousand U K holidays , as against the week last year of about five and a half , so we 've obviously seen a fairly major growth in U K holidays , but , as I said , we spent about a hundred thousand pounds on promotion , so we 're very pleased with the uptake of business coming in .
6 As I say I 've only just started
7 I say I 've only just go been able to put the baby down
8 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
9 He examined me , and was not surprised to find I had only two legs , though of course I squealed about it .
10 Well on the Wittering job he said he wanted somebody there you know er myself as manager to oversee the job but on the Sheffield Wednesday job , incidentally I 'd I got the contract from them both , the Sheffield Wednesday job was done I 'd only ever had to visit it once and that was at my request not at anybody else 's and either way both erm the Wittering and the Sheffield Wednesday er there have been other drivers going .
11 The C B one says I 've only just let you have it !
12 So far I have discussed the different criminologies of the previous two centuries with little reference to the problem of the concept of ‘ crime ’ itself : Worse , I have sometimes used ‘ crime ’ and ‘ deviance ’ interchangeably — though I hope I have only done this where the argument has happened to apply equally to both .
13 I 've left my computer programme going , God knows what it 's gon na do I 've only got half an hour to finish it !
14 So she said look I 've only got a little bit in my pocket .
15 Every way I look I see only more empty corridor .
16 I 've got I 've only got one door on that cupboard .
17 I know I 've only got one left , yeah .
18 I know I 've only got to make one mistake and I 'll go straight back in .
19 I know I 've only got two there anyway !
20 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
21 ‘ All three judges gave me the decision and having watched the video , I reckon I lost only two rounds — the fourth and the tenth . ’
22 I handed over a coin : that meant I 'd only got two left , but it was the fattest and quickest-gobbled 10p I 've ever spent .
23 As she told a close friend : ‘ I knew I had only one chance to get it right .
24 Well , sir , I thought I had only found a cook , but it was a crew I had discovered !
25 I thought I 'd only got the flu !
26 So wherever I go I 've only got quarter of an hour .
27 Now what I 've actually also got on the photocopy , and I think I 've even got less sheets than than for this one I think I 've only got three booklets .
28 I think I 've only said about three words in you 're doing all the chatting .
29 Yeah that 'd be good that cos I I think I 've only ever made that once and it was sort of a bit peculiar when you make it .
30 I 've got a pound coin , but I do n't think I 've got any , I 'll have a look ooh let's have a look , I think I 've only got a pound coin .
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