Example sentences of "[verb] for your [det] " in BNC.

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1 Although there are only 15 contractors , they have between them 50-odd transmitters , each of which needs two copies of the commercial ( at least ) , so allowing for your own copies and back-up stock , you will need 115 or so bulks for a national campaign .
2 Whether preparing solo meals , feeding a family , or cooking for your own enjoyment — here 's everything you need for superb results !
3 Any other information that you wish to include for your own reference such as tension dial settings , type , colour and brand of yarns for example , can also be entered on the TENSIONS screen .
4 Since few living rooms have a naturally humid atmosphere , unless you happen to have a humidifier installed for your own comfort , it 's necessary to create localised humidity for those plants that need plenty of moisture in the air .
5 Priest Murphy , speak for your own bloodthirsty persecuting intolerant blaspheming political religious papacy but do not dare to pretend to be the spokesman of free Ulster men .
6 Readers and of Grimsby read our recent tank decor review and request for your own ideas .
7 Pause for a moment and think of someone ( or more than one ) whom God has used for your own teaching , encouragement , guidance , perhaps in your youth or young adulthood or marriage , or at a crisis point in your life , or very recently .
8 Fergus did not say it , but he thought that Dierdriu would hear the cry , and he thought , as well , that she would also have experienced the immense lonelinesses , the sudden fierce panics , because it was inevitable that when you were a creature not quite Human , you would instinctively look for your own kind .
9 All you have to do is look for your own number er if you if you have hopefully you 've kept a record of the assignments where you 've earned bonus and you can claim it as soon as that number is published .
10 If you want a huge order oh you can look for your own .
11 ‘ I thought I might get you to play for your own sake , because you enjoy the game . ’
12 The lender gives you some of its money to use for your own purposes — but in return you pay interest on the loan .
13 The remuneration for a lecture at the National Gallery that might take two weeks to prepare stands at £50 and in many cases you pay for your own slides .
14 You pay for your own petrol and stuff .
15 You 'd have to pay for your own food , because — unless things look up for us — we shall have to live on grass like Nebuchadnezzar ; but that would n't cost you £1 a week , so you could manage the fare , could n't you ?
16 Four thirty nine please , oh that 's not nice is it having to pay for your own
17 A detailed planning budget for both capital and operating accounts must now be prepared not only to give you the information you require for your own plans , but also as the main evidence to persuade the Bank Manager to finance your endeavours .
18 If you can not care for your own body , you will not be able to care for your company .
19 Should n't you have sent for your own doctor ?
20 " I learnt to live with other people when I was in the Services , but when you 've paid for your own room and it is n't your domain you feel insecure .
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