Example sentences of "[verb] for this [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He seems to have taken no part in public life under the Commonwealth , but when the Exchequer was re-established under the Protectorate he failed to regain his old post as auditor , having to wait for this until the Restoration , when he protested , perhaps predictably , that he had never really been a parliamentarian at all .
2 They compensate for this by gaining water from their food both through the workings of their powerful kidneys , which extract much of the water from the urine , and by the condensation of water during breathing .
3 But the psychologists compensate for this by claiming other kinds of reliability for their analyses .
4 Some of us may compensate for this by driving our cars like dervishes or creating dramas in our personal lives .
5 Two social workers asked for this to be done , because they were so concerned about the policy they were supposed to be implementing .
6 I asked for this to be brought ‘ to the attention of the appropriate committee ’ .
7 I asked for this to be arranged twelve months ago , but it is still in the hands of the solicitor , who does not answer letters .
8 You can prepare for this by having a scale plan of your room as described on page 17 , and drawing your furniture on it to scale too .
9 ( c ) Discharge of mortgages A reminder , when your seller-client is subject to a mortgage , to arrange for this to be discharged on completion .
10 Where a deposit is inserted the standard conditions provide for this to be 10% of the price .
11 The regulations provide for this in certain circumstances and we are considering how to improve the detail of the procedures .
12 Hutt was small , 5′2″ , and did his best to compensate for this by attempting to achieve status as a local spender , a pretence at affluence his lowly job as a labourer did not support .
13 You might remember I 've been pressing for this for about eighteen bloody months .
14 It is therefore most important to provide for this in the expert clause .
15 Olsburgh 's district has confirmed its agreement with this , and in any case the current system allows for this with mandatory payment for emergency extracontractual referrals .
16 The manufacturer allows for this by upping the voltage .
17 The evidence presented for this by the ‘ New Realists ’ and others is the seemingly inexorable rise of crime and the decline of ‘ clear-up ’ rates ( Lea et al . ,
18 I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time , that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges .
19 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
20 This has proved so popular that arrangements have been made for this to be included in the admission price to the Centre .
21 ( iv ) Charging Clause — Specific provision should be made for this in the court order as the trustees ( particularly if there are infants ) can not give themselves power to charge in the declaration of trust without authority .
22 While it was aware of the threat of a general strike of seamen in May 1911 , it saw little support for this outside the United Kingdom and the United States , where Andrew Furuseth , president of the International Seamen 's Union and a close ally of Wilson 's , had taken a leading part in the agitation for an international dispute .
23 Thus if learners are aiming to communicate naturally , they need to be prepared for this by being involved in natural communicative language use in the classroom .
24 Furthermore , they were not prepared for this by socialisation at school and at home .
25 The Emperor Charles V , whilst compelled to tolerate Protestants within the Empire , compensated for this by treating them with increasing severity within his hereditary dominions .
26 The software houses have realised that the skills are not present , nor are they likely to be , and have compensated for this by providing either sample templates with the programs or even cut-down versions that only allow text to be entered into a pre-defined design .
27 The same spoon had been used for this for many years and was burnt black .
28 The account of acquired distinctiveness supplied by mediation theory ( Fig. 5.10 ) requires that each target stimulus become associated with some different event , and a reliable correlation between each stimulus and its outcome is needed for this to be established .
29 The business then bought a machine for £4,000 paying for this in cash , and at the same time bought a second machine on credit terms .
30 The Shamir government was commended for this by Western leaders , and some commentators speculated that in the immediate post-war period the USA would reward Israel by refraining from putting on pressure over the Palestinian issue .
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