Example sentences of "[verb] is that i " in BNC.

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1 What matters is that I need never question that there is a course which is objectively the best for me , and that when most aware I am nearest to it .
2 ‘ What matters is that I have signed a class international player who can score goals , a player who could become a giant at Old Trafford .
3 What 's happening is that I have a reason for rising , for living , for laughing .
4 What you do n't seem to know is that I 'm working for Query and not for you .
5 I do n't know what my future style will be but the one thing I do know is that I will keep on changing . ’
6 ‘ All they 'll know is that I am escorting a companion who is totally irresistible , and they 'll fall for you as I have . ’
7 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
8 ‘ What counts is that I enjoy doing my job .
9 Well mum , what it wants is that I got this tooth
10 Er what we 'll do is that I 'll give you another eight of these , now if they 're a lot better just s give a ring in
11 . What I 'll do is that I 'll final of action shortly and I 'll tu
12 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
13 But the point you seem to have missed is that I do n't know the lines . ’
14 What I 've said is that I 'd like to see the existing C P O's become divisional staff at the division that they are working now so that the divisional commander can allow them to stay there holding hands with the new civilian C P O for up to six months if necessary because it then becomes a local decision as to when the when the two have that umbilical cut .
15 The only difference between what Daniel had to endure and what my children have endured is that I am still alive and have plucked up the courage to divorce my husband .
16 All I hope is that I do n't end up in an office again . ’
17 ‘ All that happened is that I over-reacted , ’ he said at last , after a very long pause .
18 All I can remember is that I did n't much like the food , but I ate obediently and probably out of fear of giving offence .
19 What she wo n't want to hear is that I am cured of the madness which kept me from sleeping at night and the imagination which played havoc with my peace of mind during the day .
20 Mother and lots of other people would say we were too young to love truly , they would have us wait for our ‘ years of discretion ’ ; at what age one is supposed to be abnormally discreet I do not know , all I know is that I have not arrived there yet , and I hope I never will .
21 All I know is that I 'm almost at my wits ' ends trying to cope with the demands for access to you — the television people , radio , and there 's all the foreign press agency people too .
22 All I know is that I 've felt a mite sadder every time an indie distributor like Making Waves or Red Rhino have hit the dust .
23 All I know is that I want to give everything I have for England again . ’
24 All I know is that I 'll regret it all my life if I do n't do this now . ’
25 ‘ All I know is that I left Freda a jolly-looking woman and when I came back she was altered .
26 All I know is that I think it 's a safe distance for me to drive behind that car at any given time .
27 All I know is that I 'm not
28 An example I can cite is that I asked her to research and write up ( unsupervised ) an application to the Carnegie-Mellon Foundation for the microfilming of our 100,000 items in the Archive Collection .
29 Every minute of the day , all I hear is that I 'm going to get in trouble . ’
30 What I like is that I can feel the movement and it all gets transmitted to the fingers .
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