Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 I had expected it at some point .
2 ‘ But we did n't buy it from some grave-robber , you know .
3 ‘ I approached it with some trepidation but the satisfaction of passing was immense , ’ he said .
4 From what Morse said it looks as though he was trying to flog it in some under-the-counter deal , but I do n't see how it helps us . ’
5 The second argument about the origins of the incest taboo is the one that relates to the major theme of this chapter and I shall consider it at some length .
6 He suddenly thought of the hat she had lost , searched for it , and found it among some leaves on the ground .
7 Place it in some water in a saucer and it will soon grow new feathery leaves .
8 Mary-Rose Caden , a smoker and teachers ' representative on Lothian education committee , forecast it may be impracticable : ‘ If it 's a complete ban , then they 'll have to police it in some way .
9 ‘ The truth in question is hidden , lying concealed beneath appearances ; we must then inquire , since its nature is not open to us , whether it is still possible to know it through some sign and whether we have a criterion by which we may recognize the sign and judge what the thing truly is . ’
10 To really get to know a country , you need to get to know it in some detail , and to allow you the chance to know the fascinating world of Chianti , Citalia this summer offers its Flavour of Chianti programme .
11 There are chemical systems which mimic it in some ways .
12 Then she took out a comb , and began to set it into some kind of order .
13 leaving it and then going back to it to see if you could integrate it plus some graphs .
14 Instinctively she ran a hand through her dishevelled hair , smoothing it into some kind of order .
15 Oh er they 're for some job at Street , they 're wanting it for some job or other .
16 They should bring along a crane and pick the whole thing up with me in it and call it Frozen Communications and put it in some art gallery .
17 I mean sh shame in the banks I mean we do n't get charges any charges from this bank , I mean if , if you er put it in some banks you get interest charge you on your cheques and all sorts of things , it , it 's as broad as it 's long usually but er I mean we are gon na accumulate money , I do n't think we should accumulate very much more now , we , we 've ample funds for everything we need er but it 's a question
18 Adele obviously uses it as some kind of defence .
19 ‘ I do n't remember what I actually said , but obviously Mandy misinterpreted it in some way .
20 It 's a well-designed demo , which almost leaves the screen empty , filling it with some of the best routines around .
21 they 'd have saved it for some empty classroom
22 He ate it with some biscuits , getting it down fast , his face close to the plate , his fork-hand hooking round to beat illness to the punch .
23 Only by defining it in some such manner as suggested will you be able to recognise that it is , or is not , correct .
24 She 'd suspected it for some time , but last week had seen it for herself .
25 He studied it for some time and then said : ‘ That 's bad , I 'm afraid .
26 He hefted the pistol towards the window , laid it on the sill , cocked it , put a percussion cap beneath the hammer , directed it at some sepoys trotting below , and pulled the trigger , confident that a sepoy would throw up his arms and sink to the ground .
27 You can do it to some extent through the public sector , but one of the worrying things I find about the present situation with this growth of generations , the clamp down on building — less than a hundred thousand houses , I think , completed in the U K last year — my estimate is that we should be building about two hundred and fifty thousand .
28 But it was not vulgarity , just rudery — and he would do it for some very distinguished people we had on the set sometimes . ’
29 I mean if he was going to attack me , he 'd surely do it at some time when he had a reason to be angry .
30 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
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