Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Both love algae and probably browse it away before it can get a foothold .
2 But er we eventually beat it though and as I say a good colliery you could er you could beat 'em to it .
3 She is a writer and loves it just as it is .
4 Ge , if Amanda 's , well Amanda loves it so when
5 She held him firmly , pumping his penis up and down slowly and rhythmically , twisting it slightly as she did so .
6 We termed it thus because the depression arose from role performance and not from their psychopathology .
7 And like , she has , like , although she 's doing secondary teaching , she has it easier than anybody .
8 My right hon. Friend has it exactly and precisely right in terms of laying the foundation for European action on foreign affairs and defence , and that is the right direction in which Britain should go .
9 Considering the tenoning half of his design , I modified it so that it could quickly accommodate a different pair of blocks for each differently angled tenon .
10 If I run a company badly , however , the market does not gradually transfer its management to someone else ; it leaves me with the monopoly of corporate control until , at the consummation of a take-over bid , it transfers it abruptly and completely ’ .
11 ‘ No , I 'm going out instead of Luther , although Luther does n't know it yet and if it is n't Luther who comes when you ring for a rider , then we 're in trouble .
12 I move that we we approve it , and can I also er compliment the , the clerk on , I thought this an excellent document , I mean , I do n't know it before or not , but it was well put together , very concise , and I could understand it myself .
13 I did n't know it then but I was receiving subliminal training for later business life .
14 The blade tore Isambard 's cotte not an inch below his heart , but he had caught the lunging wrist in his left hand and jerked it outwards and downwards , and the thrust sliced through cotte and shirt down his ribs , and left only a harmless surface graze behind .
15 Lee was fiddling with the bag , opening it again and knocking grain caught in the folds of the sack on to the floor .
16 She cleared away , made coffee , then tapped on Penry 's door , opening it warily as he called her in .
17 I mean those , by and large , those who who need to listen to what I 'm saying to and take it on board wo n't and those who already do do n't need it anyway but they 'll take it on board .
18 Yeah , I suppose to , you know with you saying it 's quite a biggish house , I said erm , does she need it like so she said yeah because the two kids are in one bedroom .
19 I blew over its mouth and nose to revive it even though my tears were rolling onto its face .
20 As you can see from the encloses table , this most valuable insurance costs very little and we provide it automatically unless you notify us that you do not require it .
21 I recollect it more than well , smell malt .
22 Rostov rocked back to sit on his heels and the gold on the floor reflected his face , distorting it so that it was not recognisable .
23 and we 'll catch it early and so I have n't been , sort of , saying to myself ooh I 've lost some weight , I 'll try to lose more at the moment I 'm not worrying too much about what I eat
24 I 'll catch it now before it does .
25 The Economist called it the Consumer-Credit Snowball and pronounced it well and truly rolling .
26 For both Kung ( 1981 ) and Lyotard , art moves within the area between man 's capacity to conceive an idea and his ability to create an artefact that evokes or articulates it so that one of art 's more important roles is the symbolization of what does not yet exist .
27 I started to write it so as to shake them .
28 While these southern Americans believed their region unified by its homogeneity , what actually drew it together and made it conscious to itself was its deep and ( according to white Southern belief ) ineradicable , division — into white and black .
29 Correctly surmising that theirs was the room with the broken bolt hanging from the door , he entered it just as I was catching up with him .
30 And er god you should of heard him , god if it ai n't Ross all over again , mummy , mummy and she left him there , as I said when they first came he was in the far bedroom , well now I suppose with all these people she 's rearranged it indoors and he 's in the one next to our house , and she 's shouting at him and er it went on how , I ca n't tell you how long , I mean , Bev and I was talking through bedrooms you know
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