Example sentences of "[verb] to the [num] " in BNC.

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1 In 1700 she contributed an ode on the death of John Dryden [ q.v. ] to Luctus Britanici : or the Tears of the British Muses , and she also contributed to The Nine Muses ( 1700 ) , a volume of poems by women in memory of Dryden edited by Mary Delarivière Manley [ q.v. ] , with whom she had an intense but short-lived friendship .
2 We have been robust in dealing with planning applications in green belt areas , and we are wholly committed to the five objectives of the green belt .
3 C adds to the 1017 entry that the exiled ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , which could imply that the original was written before this happened ; but it should be noted that the final sentence of the same annal , on Cnut 's marriage to Emma before 1 August , comes after the notice of Eadric of Mercia 's execution , which Florence of Worcester says happened at Christmas ; if so , the sentence on the marriage looks like a relatively late addition .
4 With the FTSE staging a modest recovery to be 6.5 down at 3032.1 having been 16.5 off immediately dealing began , City analysts believe the 100-index will fall to the 3000 level if the weakness on the New York stock market continues .
5 The Crown accepted that the income of the settlement arose or accrued to the three trustees jointly and not jointly and severally so that none of them was entitled , in law , separately to any particular share or fraction of the income .
6 It was n't Miss Wharton 's morning and Mr Capstick , who likes to come to the nine thirty Mass , had influenza .
7 And you 're most likely , here not just for communion but because it 's your custom to come to the six thirty service .
8 The most important Romanesque churches of this type in the city of Cologne are that dedicated to the twelve apostles ( S. Aposteln 328 , 330 ) , S. Maria im Capitol , the earliest of the group , constructed on the foundation walls of the Roman Capitoline Trias , S. Martin ( Gross S. Martin ) , S. Gereon ( 329 ) and S. Pantaleon .
9 Today , there is a small octagonal chapel in the Beirut coastal suburb of Antelyas dedicated to the 1915 massacres .
10 Yesterday , the management threatened to issue dismissal notices to the 300 out of the 400 workforce , and about 200 demonstrated at the locked factory gates in an attempt to return to work .
11 Estimates of life expectancy in residential care at specific ages can be calculated by using a method proposed by Sullivan which applies the age specific and age specific prevalences in five year bands to the 1990 population figures and death rates for England and Wales .
12 When a student makes such a transfer , the time devoted to the one degree would normally be counted as time spent towards the other .
13 I was , however , devoted to the three dogs I owned while I was at The Milebrook .
14 Something was happening to the five , however .
15 To make matters worse the dopey director 's gone on holiday leaving the studios in right two-and-eight , with scripts scattered to the four winds , disgruntled stars stuck in the middle of filming and a very depressed receptionist sitting around doing nothing .
16 The ashes will then be scattered to the four points of the Earth .
17 Defenders Kevan Smith and Steve O'Shaughnessy as well as Reed , are added to the 13 who were on duty on Tuesday .
18 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
19 This group of authorities added to the six mentioned above , equalled 14% of our sample .
20 Two new engines were added to the 100 range — a 115bhp two-litre petrol and 82bhp 2.4-litre diesel .
21 The search space is not necessarily a tree , because properties may be added to the two sets in various orders depending on the order of training instances .
22 It is likely that in future further legal professions or professional bodies as appropriate will be added to the two lists .
23 When solution is added to the top-half of the cell , solvent in the lower-half tends to flow into the upper section to equalize the chemical potentials .
24 So the vicar signed a missing person report to be added to the dozens of others filed that day all over the country and that until something else happened would be that .
25 After cooling , the mixture was incubated at 42°C for 60 minutes with 200 U of MMLV reverse transcriptase ( Bethesda Research Laboratories ) , 1 mM dNTPs ( United States Biochemical Crop. ) and 25 U of RNAsin ( Promega Biotec , Madison , WI ) in buffer ( 100 mM Tris HCl , pH 8.3 , 150 mM KCl , 6 mM MgCl 2 , 20 mM DTT ) The tubes were then heated to 95°C for 5–10 minutes , and 80 µl dH 2 O was added to the 20 µl of reaction mixture .
26 Uniprocessor models added to the 3450 multiprocessor line
27 From a questionnaire given to parents the reported duration of hearing loss preoperatively was added to the three months of observation and to the duration of the condition postoperatively to give an overall estimate .
28 As coordinators ’ roles shifted towards curriculum responsibility , so curriculum expertise itself became a further factor in their success , to be added to the three other factors discussed above .
29 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
30 Motion to take note of EC documents relating to the 1992 EC budget .
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