Example sentences of "[verb] to [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ Sickness has given me this fortune that this sultan has come to my side , at morn so health and well being have accrued to me from the arrival of this King without retinue .
2 The expedition was not to start until the beginning of May , five days away , and she knew with absolute certainty that the word of it was to come to them from her .
3 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
4 The court further ordered that there be no soliciting of any information relating to her from herself , from staff , pupils or residents at any institution , or from any carer or relative .
5 Gran had been refused a bank loan for new guttering — because of her age , she opined huffily — so had decided to sell off some possessions that had come to her from her mother .
6 They were free to raise funds elsewhere if they could , and one at least got a substantial sum from a local authority which would not have supported a project of that nature if it had not come to them from their own school children .
7 Then words had come to him from the sky .
8 Land he gave to St Augustine 's , Canterbury , in 689 , which had come to him from his parents , had been confirmed in his possession by King Athelred ( CS 73 : S 12 ) .
9 In fact , he was so happy with the idea that had come to him from the writer , Peter Shaffer , he began the serious rethink of his career which friends like Lance Percival had been thinking for some time was overdue .
10 They have come to us from a time before recorded poets .
11 Strings sound silky but not close and the woodwind come to us from a perfectly judged distance .
12 Our thanks go to Mrs Margaret ( Peggy ) Kaye , a member of the Fareham Branch , and an ex-pat WAAF , who writes to us from Orlando , Florida to tell us of a moving memorial service that took place at Arcadia , Florida on 27 May 1991 .
13 Mrs Billy Bond writes to us from Forest Row , East Sussex to say that most knitting machine shops are run by friendly and helpful people but Knitmates is outstanding .
14 Vehicles started up again and a familiar voice shouted to him from the side of the truck .
15 The idea occurred to him from observing children sticking waste prints on to pieces of broken earthenware .
16 He tries to guess what you say to him from the vowels .
17 The system enables users to collate information downloaded to them from point-of-sale laptop systems and also to act as a point of information transfer between staff in the field and the head office .
18 Sun Microsystems Inc hopes to get one of its workstations on BBC1 's Tomorrow 's World science television programme in the UK tomorrow : Oklahoma State University 's Dr Marvin Stone has developed a hand-held device dubbed ‘ the thumper ’ which can measure the ripeness of a watermelon by delivering a blow to its skin and Sparcstations can put up a colour map indicating the ripeness of a field of watermelons from data downloaded to it from the thumper .
19 Chair , if I can , if I can speak to it from a financial point of view , this is the scheme where we have been successful in bidding for the European Rural Development Fund grants .
20 For he often smelled of scent and powder which had been transferred to him from one or other of his dolly-birds .
21 At the fifth , 19 more transferred from Brennan ( Ind ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to him from three other candidates , F , Cl and H.
22 At the sixth , 64 more transferred from Crilly ( WP ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to him from four other candidates , F , Cl , H and B.
23 At the seventh , 72 more transferred from O'Snodaigh ( SF ) , who had had votes transferred to him from three other candidates , Cl , B and Cr .
24 At the eighth count he received 42 more , transferred from Egan ( PG ) , eliminated , who had had voted transferred to him from five other candidates , F , H , B , Cr and O'S .
25 At the tenth count , 104 more transferred from Ryan ( FF ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to him from seven other candidates .
26 At the eleventh count , 839 more transferred from Smith ( WP ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to him from nine other candidates , F , Cl , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M and R.
27 At the thirteenth count , 16 more transferred from the surplus of Brady ( FF ) , elected , who had had votes transferred to him from eleven other candidates , F , Cl , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M , R , S and McA .
28 At the fourteenth count , 876 more transferred from Doyle ( FG ) , eliminated , who had had votes transferred to him from twelve other candidates , F , Cl , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M , R , S , McA and B.
29 Finally , at the fifteenth count , Q had 1,704 voted transferred to him from the surplus of McDowell ( PD ) , elected , who had had votes transferred to him from twelve other candidates , F , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M , R , S , McA , B and D.
30 Finally , at the fifteenth count , Q had 1,704 voted transferred to him from the surplus of McDowell ( PD ) , elected , who had had votes transferred to him from twelve other candidates , F , H , B , Cr , O'S , E , M , R , S , McA , B and D.
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