Example sentences of "[verb] to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The company must be able to communicate to potential customers the way in which its product would satisfy their needs , and provide competitive value .
2 We 're just going to write to local councils arbitrarily and and see what comes up .
3 Any information so discovered must be confined to the authority empowered by the warrant to discover it , and may not be disclosed to private persons or private bodies .
4 He was , however , concerned that information obtained by the SFO might be disclosed to other authorities , and might be used by them for a prosecution ; this concern did not lead him to believe that it would be proper to order the disclosure of the transcript to the SFO without any conditions .
5 The Company holds personal information on its employees on computer files and , in accordance with the principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1984 , undertakes that such information will only be used for purposes relevant to your employment with the Company and will not be disclosed to other bodies without your permission .
6 It may then direct that the records or documents be disclosed to other parties to the proceedings .
7 We 've designed to modern standards which means there 's less space but the properties are as good if not better than similar properties in the private sector
8 Sue and Richard instantly commented on how relaxing it was to drive : smooth handling and seats designed to orthopaedic specifications make for a comfortable journey .
9 The aqueduct was designed to British Waterways Board specification by Messrs Scott , Wilson , Kirkpatrick and Partners .
10 Originally at Udimore , it moved to Great Sowdens Wood , Brede , between 1840 and 1845 , then to Aldershaw , Beckley , between 1892 and 1896 .
11 During World War II McLachlan 's laboratory in central London was badly damaged but he moved to various locations , including the Pharmaceutical Society in Bloomsbury Square .
12 This week NO. 4 Commando have moved from the positions they have occupied at Hauger since the 6th june and moved to new positions in the village of Breville , a short distance from here .
13 In central London , the authorities initially planned to demolish both the Covent Garden Flower Market and Billingsgate Fish Market when the traders moved to new premises .
14 He sold the chemist 's business in 1872 and moved to new premises at Plymouth Hoe .
15 It 's one of around 60 manuscripts unearthed when Wright and Round , a music publishing company , moved to new premises in Gloucester .
16 Some stayed , some moved to new mines nearer the coast , and some migrated from the region to more prosperous mines in Yorkshire and the Midlands .
17 It moved to new buildings in 1930 in Ruskin Road , where there was provision for 360 pupils .
18 One of the consequences of the difficult situation in schools and the low pay was that many teachers left the profession , even to work in the informal labour sector , and some moved to other countries .
19 Most of the readers , of course , moved to other papers .
20 The maggots had done their work in those sockets and moved to other pastures .
21 Some managers found it ‘ painful ’ to relinquish their traditional directive management style and moved to other parts of the company .
22 In the last fifty years there have been problems for the fishermen and most have become unemployed or moved to other jobs .
23 A year as Agricultural Division personnel manager followed ; he moved to General chemicals as general manager in 1986 .
24 Joyce joined the advertising department as secretary in 1979 and moved to special projects eight years later to work in the department setting up the in-store coffee shops .
25 North Yorkshire county council also moved to head-off fears about teacher redundancies .
26 First they moved to surrounding countries : Denmark , Holland and Belgium .
27 Some residents of the countryside , particularly younger sons , moved to urban areas on a permanent basis , but many were employed as dekasegi workers , away for anything up to three years or more .
28 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
29 As well as Nina , there was the proton accelerator at the Rutherford Laboratories , and Britain contributed to similar accelerators at CERN in Geneva .
30 Entering it he could imagine her sitting there in the summer days and evenings , working on the papers which she occasionally contributed to ornithological journals and looking up from time to time to gaze out over the headland to the sea and the far horizon , could see again that carved , weather-browned Aztec face with its hooded eyes under the grey-black hair , drawn back into a bun , could hear again a voice which , for him , had been one of the most beautiful female voices he had ever heard .
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