Example sentences of "[verb] it over her " in BNC.

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1 Primaflora took the kerchief and drew it over her cheeks and then held it taut , staring at the damp blotches .
2 Nell reached for her own , and began to pull it over her head .
3 Though her hair was not quite dry Franca began to plait it very fast , letting a long thick plait materialise between her nimble hands , then tossing it over her shoulder and letting it hang down over the back of the chair .
4 She ran a finger down either side of the bikini-bottom , smoothing it over her rump , then walked the breadth of the courtyard , heading for some double glass doors .
5 Slowly , carefully , he pushed her away from him , flicking his lazy dark eyes over her nakedness before reaching to pull her swimsuit back up again , smoothing it over her body with a practised skill which left her weak at the knees all over again .
6 She sat down and examined it minutely — spread it over her lap and investigated .
7 He picked up her blanket , spread it over her trembling body , his long fingers brushing her naked throat as she quivered angrily and snatched at the blanket , glaring at him .
8 She stopped briefly , pulled her sash free and put it over her head , tucking her hair under it .
9 She was then told to take off her coat and put it over her head .
10 And Beauty in her turn was sober , sensible , and one hundred per cent reliable — until the day she carefully picked up in her teeth a full bucket of water , and then just as carefully poured it over her owner 's head !
11 She picked up her book , looked at it sightlessly , and then stuck it over her face .
12 She pushes her hair back , squeezing out the water , takes her t-shirt and rubs her arms , her shoulders , then pulls it over her head , great dark patches spreading on the blue cotton .
13 It was still damp , though not uncomfortably so , and Isabel quickly pulled it over her head .
14 Donna pulled the flannel from the water , wrung it out and placed it over her face .
15 The man 's voice boomed in the small room , would be heard down the corridor in the outer office where Carol lorded it over her clerical assistants .
16 Jorge suddenly appeared at the door and Maggie did not wait to hear any answer ; she walked out of the room , scooping up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder , quite satisfied that this time Felipe de Santis had come off worst .
17 As she opened her mouth to shriek , he grabbed a green towel hanging over the shower rail and slapped it over her mouth .
18 Is he to stand behind her , to take her right hand in his right and to lift it over her head while their clasped left hands stretch sideways before they move swiftly and diagonally into an allement ?
19 She picked up the string of the cardboard box containing her gas mask and slung it over her shoulder .
20 She picked one , hoisting the bread under one arm , and swished it over her shoulder at the swarm of cattle flies that buzzed there .
21 She took a towel and hanging it over her arm , she made her way upstairs , her mind spinning with troubled thoughts .
22 Enveloped in a curtain of golden gauze , Ace put her hand to her throat , and then clamped it over her mouth and nose .
23 And when he had undone her gown , and had difficulty in lifting it over her head , she raised herself from the pillow and helped him to take it off .
24 She put it over her shoulders .
25 " Well , come in and close the door , " she picked up the dress and slipped it over her head .
26 It was difficult to imagine she had bought the dress on purpose , had one fine day long past gone into a shop and tried on dress after dress and , finally , taking this grey and unbecoming tube of cloth from a rack laden with many-coloured garments , slipped it over her head , examined herself fore and aft in the changing cubicle mirror , smiled with pleasure , clapped her hands in approval and said to herself : ‘ This is lovely , this is the very thing , ’ while a curled , perfumed salesgirl hovered , saying : ‘ But it 's perfectly you , madam . ’
27 Throwing it over her shoulder , she set off down the aisle , the two men close behind her .
28 She watched Aggie ease it off her flesh , then take a nightdress from a drawer and pull it over her head , and lastly , sit on the side of the bed and draw off her stockings .
29 He did n't reply , so she stooped to take the hem of her silk dress and pull it over her head with one swift movement .
30 And the mouth pouting , eyes full of mischief , and the breasts popping out under the sweater as she tugged it over her head .
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