Example sentences of "[verb] it on the " in BNC.

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1 The Three Choirs vineyard is making an English equivalant of Beaujolais Nouveau , and is launching it on the French market .
2 ‘ A tale from Lamb , ’ she muttered , opening it on the first page .
3 It 's 8.30 am and I must find that discharge connector for the breathing gear — we 'll need it on the ship when loading begins .
4 In my judgment , this draft having been sent to the plaintiffs by Sir Richard Temple , and retained and cashed by them , we ought to draw the conclusion that the plaintiff , who kept and cashed the draft , agreed to accept it on the terms upon which it was sent … .
5 I also advised him that if he were not to accept it on the spot he should defer any decision on it until after he had concluded his coincidental visit to the Province today .
6 I was going to write it on the board for you
7 You have dropped it on the floor . ’
8 If it had n't been she would probably have dropped it on the way here .
9 a derivative of it , which gave you the same high that ecstasy does and er , and if you did n't it from the doctor you could buy it on the street .
10 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
11 She took a playful swipe at his face , but Harvey caught it on the flat of his hand , then she struck at him with the palm of the other hand and they did a pat-a-cake routine .
12 Just had one jumped over the side from us once and swamp ashore again and we caught it on the on the land again and put it away .
13 I told the others , ‘ we either write some new songs and start behaving like a proper band again or knock it on the head , this time for good ’ .
14 Your last option , if everything is closed off , is knock it on the top and try and lead into chase .
15 Having blamed it on the Bundesbank , he can go on to talk about other things — such as sex and tax , perhaps .
16 I have always disagreed with those in the black community who , when they have applied for jobs and have not been successful , have blamed it on the colour of their skin .
17 I seen it on the News —
18 In Germany the privilege of driving it was handed to Mario Andretti who crashed it on the first lap .
19 ‘ He said he came because he could n't discuss it on the telephone , but whether he really wanted to see inside the Post I ca n't say . ’
20 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
21 ‘ I 'd rather not discuss it on the phone .
22 I started doing it with pot , breaking a little bit , squashing it on the foil and smoking it as though I was having a chase .
23 Forget it on the 443-yard par-four 18th , unless you 're left-handed .
24 No you build it on the brick .
25 Why do you think it might be important that we think about what we say and how we say it on the telephone ? erm There is a gap here for you to respond !
26 He was playing with his fist inside a glass jar , banging it on the ground then licking it .
27 She stood up to get her little-black hat , perched it on the side of her sleek fair head and skewered a pearl-tipped hatpin through the felt .
28 The leader then calls for items , and the first person from one of the teams brings the article and places it on the chair .
29 The literary text may negotiate with its containment ( as Shakespeare 's do ) , but its contemporary subversive force has been compromised by the political dominance of state power which excludes it from the centre and places it on the margins of socially sanctioned institutions .
30 I think they mentioned it on the video .
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