Example sentences of "[verb] in some way " in BNC.

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1 The most basic error , which I attempted to pinpoint in discussing the sense in which the cries , hoots , and gestures of animals are ‘ primitive forms ’ of language in Chapter 5 , is to confuse the predictive value of the effects of such behaviour with the conscious intent of a speaker to communicate in some way .
2 If the distinction between tacit and explicit collusion is to mean anything , it must also be shown that the ability to communicate in some way affects the likely existence and stability of collusion .
3 She touched a finger to Tallis , then to herself , trying to communicate in some way .
4 Even in the case of married applicants for joint mortgages , the Equal Opportunities Commission ( EOC ) found that 36 per cent of building societies in their study discriminated in some way against a couple with a higher earning wife ( EOC , 1978 ) .
5 If you 've got an idea or a message to send it has to be encoded in some way then there 's various mediums or media by which it can be transmitted but it 's got to be decoded by the receiver for the idea or message to be understood , and there 's some kind of feedback mechanism potentially from the receiver to the sender .
6 His idea was that these have to be fused in some way in industrial societies otherwise such societies could not survive .
7 For most people their tears are distorted in some way or another , often confused and strangled , not flowing freely .
8 Our samples were no exception : Table 5.1 takes a loose definition of ‘ carer ’ and shows — for the three points in time — whether the dementia sufferer lived with someone who helped in some way to care for him or her , and if not , how frequently he or she was visited by someone on an informal caring basis .
9 What is important is that they should not draw our attention towards them by appearing in some way wrong , inappropriate or misconceived .
10 Now , as he watched him limping and staggering up the slope , it occurred to hint that he might actually be wounded in some way .
11 It is helpful in this context if one 's account of the circumstances can be exaggerated in some way , until it becomes clear that nobody , however marvellous , could have coped any better than you did .
12 The Ghost of Banquo is more than a figment of Macbeth 's imagination : it stands in some way in relation to his conscience .
13 the task can be systematized or programmed in some way so that others can carry out the routines strictly to your requirements , thus reoccurring items are frequently delegated without undue risks being incurred
14 there 's some brain in them , there must be , they 're programmed in some way are n't they ?
15 Even though odour emission may be regarded as a major consideration , as shown above , only rarely is planning permission refused on that ground alone , generally permission is granted but the development modified in some way to minimise any potential odour nuisance .
16 MOD-BY the module has been modified in some way
17 If two people meet socially , face to face , sooner or later one of them will speak , or acknowledge in some way the presence of the other — even if it 's only a nod .
18 This was to compensate in some way for the rather poor salaries .
19 They go on to say that large firms ‘ are constrained in some way [ in making these decisions ] by the requirement to make profits and serve consumers ’ , but it is nevertheless appropriate to stress that companies will usually have options about how to manage the impact of changed market conditions or technology : the company is not merely a passive instrument of the market .
20 You can link object with drawn lines that are constrained in some way or other .
21 The Selby approach seems to me to be er look at the land that is allocated which amounts to approximately a hundred hectares in the district and discount a great deal of it because it 's constrained in some way or another , and I 'll come back to those constraints later .
22 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
23 If you would be interested in contributing in some way please telephone .
24 Such a surface is best contained in some way and here this is achieved with a neat curve of bricks , laid on edge .
25 There is a distinct possibility that perinatal trauma interacts in some way with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia to increase psychiatric risk .
26 It has been traditionally supposed that the language presented to learners should be simplified in some way for easy access and acquisition .
27 The fact that the taxpayer may be said to benefit in some way from the overseas income — he was able to buy the property because the loan was made to him and he could only keep up , or he kept up , the payments of interest by using that income — is not enough to cause there to be a remittance .
28 Suddenly a mechanism was provided by which the brain ( which may or may not be considered in some way related to the mind ) could intrude on the elementary processes of message reception and transmission .
29 This chamber looks in some ways similar to the alchemical laboratory ( location 72 ) save that nothing is broken here , it 's simply very dusty and cobwebbed .
30 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
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