Example sentences of "[verb] and [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 If one examines the needs and wants of a less developed society and relates this information to the production capacity of that country , ways may be found to develop products that consumers want and which the country is capable of producing .
2 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the interests of my coal mining constituents would best be served by long-term contracts with the generators , which the British coal industry is well placed to secure and which the generators should welcome , and not by market rigging by Labour politicians posing as experts ?
3 Instead of accepting what I say and what the kids say , they wo n't accept they want peace . ’
4 Well the French revolution occurred and what the French revolution did , it transferred hus a huge assets to the , to the , the er government , it allowed conscription , a people 's army and it also turned the biggest country in Europe er biggest with the exception of , of Tsarist Russia , er into a , a war state .
5 Erm obviously the borough council strongly advocates the the principle of a strategic exceptions policy and I think there there is some difference between what Professor Lock is advocating and what the borough council is advocating .
6 This is the grey area , we did n't call on the company we called on the implants and I hope we have n't done any damage , but what we have done and what the p
7 I believe that we are right to wait until the independent report has been received , but I assure my right hon. Friend and the House that all EC partners who have worked well together on this are carefully considering future relations in the light of what appears to have happened , as shown on the video which so many of us have seen and which the families of the people involved have had to witness in their suffering .
8 There are two reasons that the vendor may give and which the purchaser should not accept .
9 What the actual , how many cases were written and what the estimated C C S A is , commission credit sum assured , I promise you , you will get to know that very quickly , because that 's the basis on which you get paid .
10 That is the guarantee for which people are looking and which the Government appear to be failing to deliver .
11 This is book to me — of which the clubhouse is built and which the early settlers favoured in their pursuit of the substantial .
12 However , and rather more fundamentally , Rose goes on to make the point that " the gap between what governments can do and what the public ( and for that matter , the government ) wants to achieve is greatest in the management of the economy " .
13 X take away minus X. Take away X , which is just plus X , X take away X. And three X take away minus two X. Hey now on the number line you ca n't it 's difficult to do X take away X but you can work out roughly where they 'd be and what you would do and what the system would be .
14 It explains how the different types are made and what the names mean .
15 It follows that I expressly do not give judgement at any figure at this stage but indicate merely what the findings are which I have made and what the sums which those findings lead to , are .
16 A list of written works which have been consulted and which the reader may refer to for more information .
17 What they found was there was actually sometimes substantial differences between what the managers thought they had communicated and what the subordinate thought they 'd received , okay ?
18 When she applies this to her test situations , however , she tends to interpret it in the narrow sense of explicitness rather than with reference to the higher orders of logic to which abstractness usually refers and which the general weight of her argument implies .
19 Sitting in Pat 's front room , surrounded by her nine Labradors , many of whom are rescue cases themselves , I asked Pat how the charity had been formed and what the situation was at present .
20 Blackwells in Reading set up an ‘ Under £10 ’ table , which had to be constantly replenished and which the group may well replicate in other shops next year .
21 Fresh bread is the interests , concerns , questions and problems of the moment which pupils bring and which the teacher as a person brings .
22 Control had shifted away from LEAs , but central government claimed to lack the power to secure the improvement to education that it sought and which the Conservatives promised the electorate in 1987 .
23 Only occasionally was there an enormous difference between what the care manager thought a person needed and what the person wanted in the pilot study .
24 Before you commit to a venue go there yourself and find out what exactly it will provide and what the extras will be .
25 The development officers themselves became concerned about the low level of statutory services in their areas , and concluded that the Home Support Project might have to provide considerable input to fill the gap between what statutory services could provide and what the dementia sufferer might need in order to remain at home .
26 Thus , the existence of both mimetic and autonomous features in Simon 's novels proves that the two are not incompatible , as Ricardou claimed and which the novelist himself had been willing to endorse for a time .
27 Sir John had identified a great number of passages which he regarded as objectionable from the government viewpoint , but I suspect he recognised early on that there was nothing of a very secret nature to conceal and what the government sought to suppress were the comments made by Crossman and others about senior civil servants .
28 Spanish rules and regulations then determine what percentage of total output will be exported and what the local component content will be .
29 In effect Jones 's book revealed an unwelcome truth which no one really wanted to hear and which the service was able easily to diffuse and ignore .
30 It is to the shame of this Tory government that er er our senior citizens have to struggle to feed and clothe themselves and to try to keep warm , and as inadequate pensions that they receive from this government if you compare the way in the other European countries what they get and what the British government gives to our old age pensioners , our senior citizens they 're more they 're worse off than actually second class citizens .
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