Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb past] like " in BNC.

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1 Other mandarins in bright silk gowns , booted and bonneted like Tran Van Hieu , were hurrying through the ornamental gardens towards the palace .
2 They grumbled and stirred like a waking kraken .
3 Mrs Hollidaye 's voice was comforting as it rose and fell like the wind .
4 The Scarabae rose and went like some collective creature , some sort of amoeba with Ruth its glowing heart , into the drawing room .
5 The white blades rose and trembled like wings over the water , dipped , and rose again , scattering drops of emerald .
6 The fact that three of these families had been moderately wealthy in Palestine and had managed to acquire the same social status in their exile — that they behaved and looked like millions of middle-class couples in Europe , or indeed in Israel — only compounded my error .
7 In many respects , we behaved and acted like twins .
8 Bumping along the rough track out of the town towards the range of red hills to the south , everyone joked and laughed like children on a school outing .
9 He grunted , they said , and weaved and ducked like a prize fighter when asked questions .
10 She and Marie-Claire and Monique sat , heavy , sulky , self-absorbed , graceless whilst Paul-Marie darted and chattered like a squirrel after the scaly balls and his parents sipped their white port and admired him .
11 Men basically feel really erm threatened and intimidated like by women loving each other or by men loving each other , you know .
12 Passing the proper guest room and its dressing room ( where Aunt Tossie did not sleep ) Nicandra went halfway down her favourite side of the stair flights to the landing space from which both stairs ascended and descended like swooping birds .
13 The youthful population ebbed and surged like a floodtide in and out of public houses and discos .
14 The patients who recovered in these boxes and enclosures came and went like the inmates of any other busy casualty ward , but , of course , there were big differences : most importantly , there was no waiting list , and no one had to pay !
15 From what she 'd gleaned from Janine he came and went like a bloody ghost , flitting in and out as it suited him .
16 The acid trip came and went like an image on a screen , sometimes faint , sometimes strong — music among the trees , Lori 's dark head singing , colours among the undergrowth , curling like lurid fog , light crowning the treetops , Lori seeming to move in a stately dance .
17 Scott-Scobie 's strength was that of the Foreign Office , faceless but continuous while PM 's came and went like lantern slides .
18 The swallows came and went like carpenters ,
19 The great wooden chalet creaked and resonated like a galleon in full sail .
20 Ruth tried not to show her terror when the timbers creaked and moaned like tormented spirits and she could hear the waves breaking on the deck above them .
21 He was conscious that his words creaked and grated like machinery in the wrong hands , and that his smiling glance upwards at the bunch of mistletoe was more of a leer , a leer that stayed , unnaturally fixed by confusion and rage , as he observed Clare 's hesitation .
22 Before the storm broke he fell into a sleep so peaceful and deep that he heard nothing of the thunder crashing overhead or of the rush of waters as the lake filled and spread and crept and grew like a living thing .
23 Her bows plunged , shouldering aside streaming seas upon which the galleys slid and swooped and plummeted like seal pups caught in the wash of a bear .
24 She is being kneaded and punched like bread dough by a Valkyrie sporting the corporate logo tattooed on a bicep .
25 We were in line with the Craven fault it seemed and in an electric storm the tower and all its domestic equipment spat and sizzled like a jumping cracker .
26 He saw them and halted , standing at gaze for a moment open-mouthed and great-eyed , and then he whooped like a huntsman hot after game , and turned and ran like a hare for the hall , bounding as he ran .
27 Athelstan glowered back in mock anger whilst she turned and skipped like a young girl into the church .
28 ‘ I was going to show you the laconicum , ’ he said , and he turned and snuffed like a hound across the green , open bowl , and set out on a selected trail , nose to scent , heading obliquely for the complex of standing walls where several rooms of the ancient baths converged .
29 In the palace , in the castle , at the hunt ball and the country house men brayed like donkeys and women shrieked and swooped like owls : the middle classes made me fidgety with their concern — was I not out too late ?
30 Beneath me the Thames lassooed and pulsed like a human brain , sending signals , slipping veil after veil as if a heavier liquid had been sent to slide across its face of water , leaving no doubt that rivers are living things .
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