Example sentences of "[verb] and [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Horology is the study or measuring of time or making of clocks ’ — that 's what our dictionary says and the latter is what we do ; we make clocks for a large company called the London Clock Company , but we had very humble beginnings … .
2 Robert Beaumont , earl of Leicester like his father before him , was a man barely a year past forty , squarely built and no more than medium tall , dark of hair and darker of eyes , rich but sombre in his attire , and carrying the habit of command very lightly , not overstressed , for there was no need .
3 Despite all the publicity that the homeless receive and the many organisations set up to help them , there are still desperate people who do not know how to get help .
4 At 6.30 pm I leave for home and a quick shower before going to the darts match and a few beers .
5 Some changes were made and a few concessions were wrung from the government .
6 Section 671 refers to any settlement wherever made and the same applies to ss672 , 673 and 674 .
7 The walls were bare and whitewashed ; they might be distempered or painted and a few bright prints could be added and hung high enough to be out of the patients reach .
8 Have the place filled and a few people standing .
9 The experience left her physically and emotionally drained and a few months later she returned to hospital for a hysterectomy .
10 Everything gleamed and the few people visible wore white coats ; apart from the exposed brickwork of a couple of rotund furnaces , linked to the ceiling by shining metal ductwork , the place looked more like a laboratory than a factory .
11 Next , myself , a little shaken and a few scratches , and lastly Sgt. Storrie , who seemed okay .
12 One by one , polytechnics are becoming universities and the binary divide has disappeared , although the disparities in funding remain and the former polytechnics are very much the poor relations in terms of library acquisitions funding .
13 You can get plenty of what you do n't want and a little of what you do want .
14 The faster the heart beats the more rapidly we may be inclined to breathe and the more oxygen we take in .
15 There was a lot of hand-clasping , cuddling and a few tears , some of them from Salome .
16 Meiosis can not normally occur unless the chromosomes form so-called homologous pairs ; despite this , meiosis did occasionally occur and a few normal-looking egg cells appeared .
17 When not pressed too hard , the former prefer to disbelieve rather than believe and the latter to believe rather than disbelieve ; but both feel extremely uncomfortable if their tested .
18 A series of heated exchanges between the two governments followed , with South African Foreign Minister R. F. " Pik " Botha accusing Holomisa of lying and the latter demanding Botha 's resignation .
19 In the afternoon they separated and the former again returned to Shields …
20 The matter was debated across Europe when the Eighth Directive was being drafted and the same conclusion was reached .
21 HMSO says all copies have been sold and no more will be available ‘ as publication has been suspended on instructions from the EC ’ .
22 The trouble is that charity work never ends and the same can be said for the constant need for money to pay for research work , buy new hospital machinery or vehicles for disabled youngsters .
23 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
24 And then that makes it even worse because you go round and round in circles , and you know and the more
25 In our opinion , in all three cases , a promise made by A to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do should be enforced by the law , provided that in other respects such as legality and compatibility with public policy it is free from objection ; thus a promise in return for an agreement by a police authority to give precisely the amount of protection it was by law bound to give and no more should be unenforceable as being against public policy .
26 So the voice plus the seat and leg aids start your horse in his first steps when mounted and the same applies for the downward transitions .
27 Within any affected group , differing degrees of clinical severity are usually apparent ; typically a few animals are mildly affected , most are moderately affected and a few are severely affected .
28 There is a sizeable iron water wheel still in situ although , with the exception of some iron framing and a few odd belt wheels , little else remains of its milling equipment .
29 They have to overcome difficulties to accomplish these tasks so the amount of time involved increases the more the women participate and the less support workers take over .
30 His pal his workmate was retired and a few months after , Arthur died , so it left me the one and the owners of the property , they give me notice to quit and no messing about er and when I talked to them , they give me twelve months , rate free , to erm get out .
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