Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] erm " in BNC.

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1 now because of it 's like Lee if James sleeps they sleep in the erm down here .
2 Erm the church would have no role within the state as being say in a erm erm in other words there would be erm the catholic church in in erm in say er a state like France er should not be the established church .
3 And install a cattle trough which is , as far as we ho as far as we believe , vandal-proof , in that it 'll be a self-filling c er cistern filled cattle trough which the , the erm the , the ball float is actually contained in a erm a metal box so you ca n't get access to it .
4 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
5 of a person and need to write how important it was , the little ones in the accident book , but looking in the erm erm the handbook for the company it says that an accident form should be filled in and
6 And I mentioned at the last meeting I think what has actually been said in the erm meeting I could repeat that , but I mean it confirms exactly what you 're saying .
7 I mean when Rutherford did his experiments years and years ago he produced his planetary model of the nucleus , of the atom where the nucleus plays the role of the sun and the electrons play the role of the planets , and people said well why do n't they just spiral in an erm Rutherford had actually no answer to this , but the answer to this was produced by the Danish physicist Nils Bore , who said ‘ Well they do n't spiral in because erm electrons can not just take up any orbit , they can take up certain specified orbits which he called stationary states , and there is a lowest one of these , and when the electron gets down there it can not go any further .
8 we was gon na look in the erm advertiser and er big rugs .
9 Erm the policy panel that erm looked at this erm a week before Christmas was erm I hate to disagree with you with Peter we are not exactly unanimous in this views on terminal five and this is reflected in the erm , the Liberal Democrat resolution erm , past policy of this Council has always been to favour expansion at Heathrow rather than of Stansted and we are being asked today to confirm this stance at the forthcoming enquiry and well we 're not faced with an either or situation .
10 Put them under the you know in the erm airing cupboard .
11 You know in the erm ooh the London museum ?
12 One could go on and pick many other scriptures , you know in the erm the New Testament not only were there those three questions that we mentioned earlier on about salvation , but there are three unanswered questions in the New Testament in Mark chapter eight , Jesus asked that question of which there is no answer , for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his sole or what shall a man or a woman give in exchange for their soul , Jesus did n't try and answer , there is no answer to that question , then again in , in Hebrews chapter three , er chapter two and verse three there is an unanswered question , how shall we escape if we neglect so greater salvation , and finally one other the apostle Peter , he asked the question in , in chapter fo , first apostle in chapter four and verse seven seventeen for it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God and if judgment begins with us first , what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God
13 I mean when it 's warm though , litter stuck in the erm , erm it maybe greeting you and .
14 His father , his my grandfather , was a groom , and er they lived in the erm in the Abbey grounds , in the courtyard of the stables .
15 If we become like , like more part of Europe , if Europe gets more power than er then parliament would have less power well the same thing could happen in the erm central government elections as well could n't it ?
16 So he 's , he 's gone in the erm driver today .
17 The requirement i is that th when they are stored in the erm shops they 're stored in safe conditions .
18 This organism is the fastidious grand negative rod you saw in the erm practical class innocuous influenzi .
19 It resulted in the erm extra requirement for security which does happen to which Mr has referred and I I think it 's it 's very very important to realise that if that three party cooperation can be achieved as it should be , bearing in mind what Simon says that we are going to have to do this , with horrendous problems in the youth and community project in the future and we would be failing completely in our duty , not just to the people of Highfields , but to the people of this whole county if we simply allowed politics , as has been done in the past , to lead to entrenched positions and the idea of simply saying to the director , we are in a mess therefore will you please deal with it all is I think wildly irresponsible and I 'm very very surprised indeed that erm that point should be put .
20 But the , the lady who was erm what 's her name daughter , she used to live in the erm erm live in the terraced house erm
21 And we had to go and do the washing up and they were sitting in the erm in the kitchen choosing their Christmas presents from the Argos catalogue oh that 's nice , ooh it 's five ninety nine Jenny I 'm serious .
22 no where we went was the erm well where we went first was the Dunkirk , did n't like what we hear in there , so we went from the Dunkirk and tried to get in the erm Smithfield hotel , we were unable to do that
23 I suppose we should really begin at the word strangeness because the word strangeness goes back to the late Fifties , early Sixties , when some people discovered particles more massive than neutrons and protons and these particles were discovered in the erm cosmic radiation , and they were also produced by accelerators in laboratories .
24 So er there was a job advertised in the erm , well it was the journal , in those days , and er I went after it , in Nottingham .
25 Yes we were told they 're going to be trees like that because they 've had a lot of trouble with pigeons roosting in the erm the mature trees and it 's impossible for people to sit on the benches underneath cos of er pigeon mess .
26 This is mainly because erm there are so many diverse services that might help in the erm general support and education of a special child that integration is necessary and that really one person should be keeping an eye on things , as it were .
27 And I ca n't help thinking that we might end up with a sort of repeat of the sort of situation that 's occurred at Octavius Atkinson site which is erm mentioned in the erm the paper tabled this morning , whereby er a sort of market-led approach which puts a lot of pressure on the local authorities may be at the expense of the planning-led approach to erm deciding where development should most appropriately go .
28 The last passage I 'm going to have time to read comes in the erm speech of Adam erm , not actually speech , the inward soliloquy to Adam , the first thing that he says he says his case is not yet fallen when he sees Eve .
29 Her mum works in the erm Royal Oak at Ideford !
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