Example sentences of "[verb] of i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Never yes so I thought let them come and they wanted you to be there and then I could n't rid of I just could n't get them to change their minds you know they just wanted you there and I said
2 Maybe Francis will think of me kindly one day .
3 ‘ They will not think of me here .
4 ‘ What do you think of me now ? ’
5 I think he thinks of me still as more of a child .
6 I realized with a shock the same thing could be said of me now and I 've got no hormones .
7 ‘ It looks as though they have been trying to get rid of me here for three years .
8 They can get rid of me whenever they like . ’
9 Aye she get rid of me tomorrow cos she 's going to work she says .
10 But just because I promised I 'd make you a rich widow , do n't think you 're going to get rid of me yet .
11 He made doubly sure I realised I was an outcast in a heavy-handed way — and he could n't get rid of me fast enough .
12 Wanted to get rid of me fast . ’
13 So you 're gon na get rid of me early today .
14 Then the other one , whom your sister thinks must be the owner of the farm , apologized for a ‘ case of mistaken identity ’ , as he called it , and got rid of me as quickly as possible .
15 Then she said : ‘ So you see , I 'm making myself as unpleasant as I can — and I assure you I can ! — to make them want to get rid of me as soon as possible . ’
16 When you 've been trying to get rid of me ever since we met ?
17 When it became clear I was a success he tried to get rid of me permanently .
18 But this wo n't be the last straw ; they wo n't get rid of me that easy .
19 They may have driven my mother away , but they wo n't get rid of me so easily .
20 ‘ He was always trying to get rid of me so that he could get back to his computer .
21 ‘ He was always trying to get rid of me so that he could get back to his computer .
22 That had never been asked of me before .
23 But think of me tonight when I sail across the sea .
24 ‘ Take care of your sweet self , love , and think of me occasionally . ’
25 Think of me sometimes .
26 ‘ But while people think of me perhaps as just a guitar producer who does n't go anywhere near sequencers , I actually use them quite a lot .
27 I know one or two people had begun to despair of me ever getting better at one point but , basically , I have been blessed with a strong constitution .
28 ‘ People would be wrong to think of me as just a centre forward who is good in the air .
29 Still , something was expected and hoped of me there ; I was credited with a future , and I called some fondness into being , even though this was because they did not know what lay under my surface .
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