Example sentences of "[verb] of [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 Paul had done less well than had been expected of him at Balliol , not through his own fault .
2 As described earlier , Brown and his colleagues ( 1986a ) have argued that they now have good evidence that the prior existence of a close supportive relationship is protective against depression if that person provides the support expected of them at the time of a crisis .
3 Formal education was shelved , which was a relief , because the unctuous kind of diligence expected of her at school had convinced her that she was both stupid and sinful .
4 Try to relate the interim end-result of everything you do , decide or say to the overall profitable contribution expected of you at the year 's end .
5 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
6 Then she added in a confiding tone : ‘ Of course , she was not much with her husband really — and I think that helps — she is n't reminded of him at every turn , like an ordinary widow would be . ’
7 The primary source of their superior financial performance is capital gains from acquiring corporate assets and activities that , under present ownership , yield less than their opportunity values , and disposing of them at their higher market values .
8 How we buy food also has an influence on how much we eat of it at any one meal .
9 To sum up , in positing an item as an ontological existent we are at the same time by implication positing this item as a potential subject of a non-arbitrary subset of predicates from among an indefinite number of meaningful predicates , and hence as completely determinate with regard to possible descriptions that may be given of it at any given time .
10 Hoomey could n't think of him at four pounds .
11 Did n't you think of Him at all ? ’
12 Right , well what do you think of it at the front ?
13 ‘ In truth , ’ Suragai said , ‘ I did not think of you at all .
14 ‘ Now I simply do n't think of you at all . ’
15 — or does not think of you at all .
16 I shall think of you at Christmas , the more so as my own father died one Christmas Eve , and Richard 's wife in the week before Christmas , so I know how it feels to have sadness at that time .
17 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
18 ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ had just been released in England and David was doing well with it , or so I 'm told , but no-one had heard of him at all in America , so Tony DeFries gave us each a box of 25 albums to just give to whoever we thought was cool , which actually turned out to be a pretty good idea .
19 When we at last learned his name , we had not heard of him at all .
20 I 've only heard of it at the fashion college .
21 They have erm what 's called the players ' theatre , I do n't know whether you 've heard of it at all erm they belong , they 're members of it .
22 I had n't heard of it at all , do n't know what
23 This was a small enclave at first where homemade soup , fruit and a few other wholesome products were not only provided free , but all staff were expected to partake of them at midday .
24 Anna would n't speak of it at all for some time ; later we heard about Simon 's will — he left her various things , his art library for instance ( it 's a wonderful one ) — and it gave her some kind of peace .
25 Almost two years after the beer orders went through the House , we are entitled to ask the Minister what good came of them at last .
26 I am reminded of the famous poem , by Robert Southey , about the battle of Blenheim , when little Peterkin asks : ’ But what good came of it at last ? ’
27 ‘ If you 've thought of me at all since we last met I 'd be very surprised . ’
28 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
29 So got rid of him at last , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , and went in to the glass .
30 He would be rid of him at last .
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