Example sentences of "[verb] the world [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because the , the market becomes much smaller , right , there is , world trade in agricultural products has fallen relatively speaking , right , as a result , that market is going to be very , very volatile , it only takes say er , bad harvest in Argentina , or er , Australia , in one country , that does n't have support programmes , to affect the world market substantially , because that one supplier is now relatively large , because most major erm , countries are self , are now self sufficient .
2 To charges that this is too much of a good thing , the BBC say they have always given the World Championship around 70 hours and the audience figures remain high .
3 A penalty try would not have given the World Cup to England in itself as they still had to score again .
4 English National Opera has just given the world premiere of Robin Holloway 's Clarissa , after the Richardson novel , while next month the Almeida Festival will introduce The Intelligence Park by the Irish composer Gerald Barry , one of the most distinctive and exciting of the younger Europeans .
5 I am sure that he will agree that the improvements in manufacturing exports clearly show how well British industry is doing , given the world situation .
6 The above statistics highlight the world population problem .
7 ‘ When you spend as much time as we did trying to stop others scoring tries , you do n't have much time to argue with the ref ’ — ZIMBABWE 's REPRESENTATIVE when accepting the World Cup Fair Play Award .
8 Tyson 's past had come back eerily to haunt him — this time not in street violence but in the way Desiree Washington , a competitor in the Miss America Pageant accused him of the crimes that were to see the world heavyweight champion 's status reduced to that of a common criminal .
9 The couple had encouraged and followed their son 's sporting progress right across South Africa , but they were n't able to afford the trip to Australia to see the World Cup challenge .
10 And of course the , the main object of going there was to see the World Fair that was on that year .
11 Using Minitab , read the WORLD dataset into the worksheet .
12 Yet only twenty years later the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield was the focus of the attention of around twenty million viewers as Steve Davis was defeated on the final ball of the final frame by Dennis Taylor , who became the world champion in what The Times ( won over to ‘ popular culture ’ under its antipodean ownership ) declared to be a ‘ heart-stopping ’ match .
13 His career did not end there , for in 1903 , when the light heavyweight division was created , he became the first man to win three world titles when he became the world light heavyweight champion after beating George Gardner in twenty rounds at San Francisco .
14 You 've got those insurance policies , they 're coming good soon , you 're going to spend them on your world cruise I know , but you might not quite make the world cruise .
15 What does it take to build a car that is both relaxing to drive , yet can make the world fly by ?
16 And that 's before they go on to discuss what has been dubbed ‘ Agenda 21 ’ , a comprehensive greenprint for transforming the world economy .
17 A new economics is possible , maintains Robertson , which ‘ should be systematically enabling for people ; it should be systematically conserving of resources and environment ; it should treat the world economy as a multi-level one-world system , with autonomous but interdependent parts at all levels . ’
18 Six new reactors began to generate electricity during 1992 , bringing the world total of nuclear power units in operation or under construction to 496 worldwide .
19 He has stuck with yacht racing , first modifying Matador , then running a five-year test programme which produced the world championship-winning Matador .
20 And you 're quite right er we must regard the World Church as meaning ourselves .
21 JAMES WATTANA , 19 , from Thailand , has broken the world table clearance record with a time of 3min 45sec in Brussels .
22 He could have become an Olympic long-jump champion , as he 'd once broken the world record .
23 After riding across a glacier at 20,000 ft , Martin told his parents by fax from Nepal he 'd broken the world record .
24 Sally Gunnell has broken the world record to win gold in the women 's four hundred meter hurdles final in Stuttgart .
25 Mike Oldfield chose the unique location to perform the world premier of his long-awaited Tubular Bells II .
26 The Lindsay Quartet are to perform the world première of Sir Michael Tippett 's 5th String Quartet on the opening night of the Sheffield Chamber Music Festival ( May 9th–23rd ) at the Crucible Studio Theatre , the central venue for this year 's Festival .
27 LENNOX LEWIS arrived here in Las Vegas last night and immediately quashed rumours that he could be paid to step aside if Riddick Bowe wins the world heavyweight crown .
28 Bowe , who challenges undisputed champion Evander Holyfield 's here tonight , is ready to renege on an agreement to meet Lewis next if he wins the world crown .
29 Athletics has its Olympic Games , soccer offers the World Cup , and tennis highlights Wimbledon .
30 But a curious deterrence this , which aims to restrain states only to unleash peoples , to intensify rather than mitigate conflict and make the world safe for revolution rather than order .
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