Example sentences of "[verb] me and my " in BNC.

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1 The moment I touched the ground I knew why — the excessive ( to me — but normal to Tiree residents ) wind whipped me and my heavily laden briefcase into the lounge where Peter McMillan , Manager of Scarinish Branch offered me the relative calm of his car .
2 Fielding held the crimson menu ( silken , tasselled and beautified , reminding me and my fingers of Selina and her secrets ) in slender brown hands , the wrists cuffed in pale blue and the gold links taut on their chains .
3 I just want me and my civilisation to keep climbing , ever upward … ’
4 ‘ I mean , Miss Celia , as I still often think of her , being that young at the time and Mrs Tremayne not wanting her to know , pledging me and my eldest brother , Bert , to secrecy .
5 ‘ You will purge me and my mood , as my Pater used to purge my writing of its excess … .
6 I honour my company for its willingness to accept me and my idiosyncrasies .
7 That 's like that song where they say me and my wee scabby dog in n it ?
8 The metal strip at the side of the card holds an electrical charge — like a piece of recording tape ; this machine reads that , to make sure it 's of the current pattern , while at the same time photographing me and my tag and weighing me .
9 This monolith sat atop an escarpment which accommodated the raking of the auditorium and the levelled hardcore of a car park , and cast its long shadow over an adjacent bit of parkland , a cosy corner of scrub , stream and wood that drew me and my friends to it like a magnet .
10 I know his feelings towards me are genuine and he wants me and my children as part of his life .
11 I have referred , in my Introduction , to the venerable French chef who in the fifties pursued me and my Sunday Times cookery articles with a zeal worthy of a Spanish inquisitor .
12 I sha n't have no qualms about it , I shall say well he 's hassling me and my mother-in-law and we can do without it !
13 For the rest of the match he proceeded to annoy me and my fellow spectators by positioning himself right between us and the action .
14 ‘ For it is he that goes about to destroy me and my blood . ’
15 We did a lot of woodwork at our school , and the other kids liked to lock me and my friends in the storeroom and have us chant ‘ Manchester United , Manchester United , we are the boot boys ’ as they held chisels to our throats and cut off our shoelaces .
16 ‘ It is that Fincara will send me and my sisters into the last battle between the light and the dark ; and that we will conquer .
17 Brown Owl let me and my friend crack an egg in a bowl .
18 He done Me and My Yes .
19 Without such pressure even my execution at the hands of the Khad was a possibility … your efforts and support greatly encouraged me and my family , for when I came to know of them I was indeed strengthened by them . ’
20 I can remember me and my mum going into town to buy these shoes for school .
21 I 'd forgotten you 'd already classed me and my sister as experienced femme fatales , luring men to their doom ! ’
22 If applied on an institutional scale it could abolish the deficit of cadaveric transplants and could go a long way towards solving the moral problem that continues to exercise me and my colleagues . ’
23 One time me and my friend Yasmin , we were both in there .
24 By the time my father could sit down with me in a pub , slightly drunk , tell me and my friends about Real Life , crack a joke about a Pakistani that silenced a whole table once , and talk about the farm labourer 's — his grandfather 's — journey up from Eye in Suffolk working on the building of the Great North Western Railway to Rawtenstall on the Lancashire-Yorkshire border , I was doing history at Sussex , and knew more than he did about the date and timing of journeys like that .
25 ‘ I think the ordeal of the big occasion would have affected me and my nerves would have got the better of me .
26 When we do find one , it takes me and my tech about a month to get it into shape for going out with the band . ’
27 ‘ I do n't think they wanted to kidnap me properly — just to give me and my family a nasty shock .
28 When my mum and dad discussed they decided to give me and my brother twenty five pound each and have
29 When the truck had dumped me and my kit-bag at the Guard Room and I had a chance to look around me , I spied in the middle distance a cluster of substantial looking buildings .
30 He examined me and my X-rays .
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