Example sentences of "[verb] me [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 You have taught me to read the fires of meaning but I am inadequate .
2 ( Bitter experience has taught me to remove the gaffer at the end of the event only by holding the wire down on the floor as you pull the tape up .
3 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
4 ‘ It 's very sad because people love to see me wearing the chains , particularly children and old folk , ’ said Coun Wood .
5 I wish the old man had lived to see me get the farm back .
6 He had heard of me from some of his colleagues and asked to see me to discuss the Labour Party 's decision in relation to the litigation it had brought , with my guidance , against the Manchester Guardian as a result of the leaks from the National Executive .
7 Finally , I am sure that you will want me to thank the staff of the Council for their valuable work in what has been another very busy and challenging year .
8 ‘ Well , why did n't you want me to touch the skull ? ’
9 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
10 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
11 Do you want me to put the sound on ?
12 ‘ Now , if you do n't want me to call the manager and make a fuss , remove your foot ! ’
13 The company 's , you do n't want me to say the side effects do you ?
14 I said I 'm going back now do you want me to leave the kitchen light on ?
15 ‘ Do you want me to blow the candle out ? ’
16 Do you want me to do the ?
17 I said do you want me to do the chicken ?
18 Do you want me to do the gravy ?
19 alright , do you want me to close the door ?
20 ‘ Do you want me to shut the shop ? ’
21 Do you want me to wet the front down ?
22 Do you want me to wet the front down or is that alright ?
23 Do you want me to draw the curtain , Daddy ? ’
24 Likewise , if instead of saying , ‘ there is a patient outside ’ , I could say ( out of role ) , ‘ In a short while I will be a patient coming to the consultant 's office — how do you want me to play the role ?
25 And do you want me to ring the Oban hotel and tell them what 's happened and change the booking ?
26 ‘ I 've mapped out a route to take you round , but are you sure you do n't want me do the actual deliveries ?
27 Erm so they 'd wan na know well you know if it 's a shopping change then erm , do you want me to change the day ?
28 Do you want me to change what I buy , do you want me to change the time I do it ?
29 Do you want me to change the place I go to ?
30 Well , what d t I think if you draw a pl if you draw a plan , er that certainly should be taken i I I mean if you do n't want me to consider the plan , put a line through it , yeah ?
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