Example sentences of "[verb] about [pers pn] all " in BNC.

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1 Well I was working in the quarry , and er it 's last March turned round and said he wanted a new implemented with a new miracle saw that he had bought and he did n't really give us much warning about what he was gon na do but all he said was that er he was gon na scrap our old bonus contract and implement a new one no matter what , and from various figures that were bandied about we all realized we were gon na back quite a lot worse off because of it .
2 There was another couple of Chelsea fans I was singing about them all the fucking day were n't I ?
3 Twenty-one years later at Claiborne Farm in Kentucky , Sir Ivor can still laugh about it all .
4 ‘ And so when something like that happens , it makes you think about it all , about the dangers , about all the travelling you do as a musician .
5 Tim Smith converted , the cherry and whites made whoopee but what does the coach think about it all ?
6 Funny , she had forgotten about it all afternoon , even to putting this dress on .
7 What we say about it all
8 I 'm left with the fact that they knock me up in the middle of the night , turn my place over , give me a hard time , then just forget about it all .
9 I do n't know what I 'm going to think about if I 'm not going to worry about him all the time .
10 And I can tell you something , I do n't want to talk about them all the time .
11 Hopefully he would n't feel compelled to talk about them all the time as well .
12 Why do they have to talk about it all ?
13 You were detached about it all , were n't you ?
14 As he filled their glasses , Carson said carefully , ‘ How do you feel about it all ? ’
15 He smiled and began to climb the slope again , slowly , looking about him all the while , his eyes taking in the ruins , the distant , cloud-wreathed mountains , the two horses grazing just below them .
16 At the comparative safety of a deserted road we collected ourselves a little and then headed for the station , trying hard to chuckle about it all , though obviously we had both been deeply affected .
17 You worry about it all the time , and every manager 's the same .
18 ‘ Boys do n't really discuss sex themselves apart from a few who brag about it all the time .
19 Britons complain about it all the time : nominal interest rates at 15–20% , depending on the borrower , make most managers believe that their capital costs more than anybody 's .
20 ‘ You know , it really is strange to hear about you all again .
21 I know you 're unhappy , but you ca n't sit indoors and brood about it all day . ’
22 I think she really took a fancy to you — talked about you all the time when I saw her last summer .
23 Penny and her Second , Sylvia , talked about it all the way to the corner where Sylvia turned off for home , and Penny only remembered her lost budgie again when Sylvia said goodbye and added : ‘ I do hope you find Kelpie soon , Penny . ’
24 We can only conclude that it was chiefly in the enthusiasm with which the British talked about it all .
25 ‘ You hear about it all the time , my lord . ’
26 There 's quite a few fancy their chances around here , and I know about them all ; but our Johnny 's a real lecher , so be warned . ’
27 It was a technological triumph and a magnificent intelligence coup , or would have been had the Russians not know about it all the time .
28 She talked about him all day .
29 She talked about him all the way home .
30 The children talk about you all the time : when we are down in the shelter , which we still are , often , they keep saying they wish Uncle Walter was here , to make it entertaining .
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