Example sentences of "[verb] into two [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such factorisation is always possible , in a number of ways ; for example , since AX = XA then unc so that A has been factorised into two symmetric matrices ; however , this particular factorisation presupposes a knowledge of X and
2 For completeness , we interpolate here a brief discussion of the reverse procedure : it was shown in §1.19 and Theorem V of §1.22 that a matrix can always be factorised into two symmetric matrices , but the subject was not pursued there .
3 They went into a large department store with doorways opening into two main streets , Queen Street and Adelaide Street .
4 The van swerved and crashed into two huge dustbins .
5 But they are not eager to pitch into two helpless dummies strapped to chairs .
6 The flaming fuselage smashed into two nine-storey blocks each containing 200 flats — leaving at least 300 injured .
7 This made me feel a quite genuine shame and remorse although — it was as if I was torn into two separate parts both rationally and emotionally — I knew that hurt bewilderment was something I should beware of : he was my enemy who would use any art to outwit me if I could .
8 The essentials of productivity accounting are described in figure 5.6 , where it can be seen that changes in profits through time are decomposed into two major elements , changes in productivity and changes in price recovery , which are defined as follows : Where there are multiple products and resources there will be a productivity measure for each pair of resource and product .
9 It postulates that the actual rate of inflation which prevails at any moment in time may be decomposed into two constituent parts : ( a ) an expectational component , measured by the variable , ( b ) an excess demand component , measured , as in the Phillips-Lipsey model , by the magnitude of f(U) .
10 With the introduction of more complex automated machinery , the difficulties posed by such a high level of demarcation became worse , and management attempted to negotiate an arrangement whereby maintenance crafts would be grouped into two broad areas — mechanical and electrical — with the understanding that demarcation within each group would be minimised .
11 It bisects into two right angled triangles , with sides of 1:2 : √3 and angles of 30° , 60° , 90° .
12 The pilot wrestled with the highjackers as he desperately tried to land the plane at Canton airport , it then slammed into two other passenger jets .
13 The social economy disintegrates into two autonomous spheres : the famine-stricken town , and the country , which despite the partial destruction of the productive forces , has a fairly considerable quantity of unmarketable ‘ surplus ’ produce .
14 These can be sub-divided into two broad categories : record retention requirements , such as the Companies Act 1985 , ss.221–222 ; and requirements to disclose information to various authorities/persons , which imply the need to maintain records , such as the Data Protection Act 1984 ( see below ) .
15 It can be sub-divided into two distinct operations : Staging This takes the list of teaching items and arranges it into blocks of the right size for the various years , months , weeks , days and classes of the teaching course .
16 They are oval and rest on a low , oval foot with the rim shaped into two curving spouts , one at each end of the vessel .
17 Thus each double stranded DNA molecule in the original sample has been melted to form two single stranded molecules , which have then been turned into two double stranded molecules .
18 Use card off-cuts made into two L-shaped pieces to help you decide on the picture area .
19 Local government in England and Wales is organized into two distinctive systems .
20 There are organisational problems in allowing the group to split into two such distinct factions .
21 Evidently there was a need to split into two large gatherings and this occurred , and eventually a further split into three .
22 Diagenetic fabrics can be subdivided into two major types — those due to compaction and those due to chemical alteration , whether cementation , dissolution or replacement ( Fig. 5.13 ) .
23 The overall dependency ratio may be subdivided into two constituent elements ; the elderly dependency ratio , known in the USA as the ‘ gerontic ’ dependency ratio , and the youth dependency , or ‘ neontic ’ , ratio .
24 A hundred miserable lifetimes condensed into two wretched days .
25 In my view the Tate should probably divide into two separate entities , one for British art and one for Modern art , although I presume that certain British artists would be present in both collections .
26 Hundreds were crammed into two narrow gangways to board ferries .
27 This is possible by exploiting the fact that the function of sequence-specific DNA methyltransferases can be dissected into two separate aspects : binding of the enzyme to the target sequence and subsequent catalysis of the methyltransfer reaction .
28 For instance , the bronze coinage of the Roman Emperor Nero can be classified into two general groups ( see fig. 13 ) .
29 To achieve a successful design many parameters have to be considered , and thus can be classified into two distinct groups : subjective factors and objective factors .
30 They were classified into two distinct groups , those who gained entry through traditional methods and those who had not .
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