Example sentences of "[verb] into [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In their ninth round , the talks in Washington may have limped into phase two .
2 AUSTRALIA 'S tour of Wales erupted into fury last night as Wallaby coach Bob Dwyer accused Neath players of dirty and illegal play .
3 Mr Heath moved into Number Ten , Sir Keith Joseph succeeded Dick Crossman at the Department of Health and Social Security ( as Crossman had succeeded Joseph at Housing and Local Government in 1964 ) , and Mrs Thatcher became the third woman since 1944 to assume responsibility for education .
4 They moved into No 2 Newbridge Hill the same year , where they still live today .
5 His position develops into scepticism proper ( i.e. the view that knowledge is impossible rather than merely rarer than one thinks ) when the standards are set so high that they can not be fulfilled .
6 Anyhow , it had been going for a very short time , not very satisfactory , because none of us really were very successful with our machine , and then a … messenger came in to say that a [ radio ] taxi driver had come into No. 10 to say he 's heard everything going on in his taxi in Whitehall .
7 Having acquired a sufficient number of signatures , the Campaign submitted their referendum proposal , which the government of the day , the Fine Gael — Labour coalition under Garret FitzGerald which had come into power that year , decided to submit to the populace .
8 Benefits increases for the worst-off pensioners aged over 75 , or disabled , had come into effect this week and the earnings rule restricting eligibility for pensions had been abolished .
9 May we have a statement about whether the Government intend to implement a European directive — it should have come into effect this weekend — by which local authorities will be informed when nuclear waste is being transported through their areas ?
10 To achieve savings of around 30 per cent , the French will relax certain safety constraints observed in Super-Phenix , the 1200 megawatt breeder due to come into operation next year .
11 The new document , which anticipates a new EC regulation on handling manual loads due to come into effect next January , calls for a thorough review of NHS lifting policies and procedures , including an examination of staffing levels .
12 The bill is expected to received royal assent in July , the regulations to come into force early 1994 .
13 The two leaders also agreed that visa and currency exchange-free travel to East Germany for West Germans and West Berliners , planned to come into force next January , would be brought forward to December 24 .
14 The Ocean Dumping Act , to come into force next year , constitutes an almost total ban on marine dumping of any sort .
15 The waste-to-energy companies are pressing for financial support to allow them to take advantage of new waste management regulations due to come into force next year .
16 One area of special concern is the European Community 's regulations on construction design and management , due to come into force next January .
17 Dignity in Destiny has already raised its prices and our table includes the increases at Golden Charter due to come into force this week .
18 The moorland in the South West Peak was proposed for ESA status in 1991 and the designation failed to come into force this summer as planned .
19 Now if I can just refer as I did in my earlier submission to the possible results of that , I suggested that the requirement for the new settlement to be located beyond the outer boundary of the green er York greenbelt , should be rolled into criterion one , the need to avoid the greenbelt .
20 He 'd been bullied into silence all those years in Dinosaur Jr .
21 George was probably already working in Pocklington , walking into work each day , for a saddler would not have had much employment in the small village where he lived .
22 The Consortium agreed to attract into membership all bodies that shared its objectives .
23 But the organisational nightmare and sundry fall-out fade into insignificance next to Hendrix , though he 'd ditched his experience for a conglomerate called The Gypsy Sun And Rainbows Band , Hendrix was n't really looking to flesh out his playing .
24 In the information given regarding projects it would appear that a Mother and Toddler Group would fall into Section 3 , Priority 1 . ’
25 He sold his home to get on the grid … when no-one it seems except Nigel thought he had any talent … he roared into formula one with the old Lotus team …
26 Erm if we can just sort of work out in our own minds what , I , I do n't want addresses or anything like that , so do n't say oh I 'll break into number six , or anything like that but just anywhere in the area of Farnsfield imagine houses yourself , is to what sort of type of house we break into .
27 However , the objectivity infused into section 68 is found by their Lordships to connote more than this .
28 It is largely thanks to the perseverance of a former CO of the RAF Institute of Aviation Pathology , Group Captain Mason ( now Professor of Forensic Pathology at Edinburgh University ) , that there is international recognition of the contribution of the aviation pathologist in aircraft accident investigation by way of a specification recommending their positive involvement in formal investigations written into Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation .
29 It 's a question of who stumbles into mediocrity first .
30 In due course bin 1 is turned into bin 2 and so on .
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