Example sentences of "[verb] him [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Strange how he had given that start when he had addressed him as Sir Joseph .
2 She had never yet addressed him as Sir Joseph , because somehow he did n't look like a sir ; he did n't , in her eyes , fit the title ; he was too young .
3 Send him to Burleigh ? ’
4 If your man really wants to dress up on your wedding day send him to Louise Verity 's Dressing Up Box ( 071 622 7125 ) .
5 not sending him there , rather send him to Judge
6 a boys ' school and the headmaster there advised me not to put him there , he said send him to Newport Grammar school it 's the best school in Essex , best grammar school in Essex and he said that my two boys go there
7 Churchill , when frustrated by Eisenhower , grumbled that the president was " weak and stupid " , and he later contemptuously dismissed him as Dulles 's " ventriloquist 's doll " .
8 The king succumbed to the pressure and dismissed him in May 1679 .
9 We do need someone like him , but fuck England — I want him at Leeds .
10 It may be significant that Rose was working for Henry Compton [ q.v. ] , bishop of London , in 1675 , for it was Compton who , in the words of Stephen Switzer [ q.v. ] , was London 's ‘ great Encourager ’ , employing him at Fulham Palace .
11 ‘ Go to meet him with Maggie and let her charm him . ’
12 I would have given much to meet him at Elsfield during one of his fleeting visits : indeed there was no one I would have been more interested to meet .
13 Well , so I 'm going to meet him at Temple Meads and we 're going to set off to the Marquis family abode .
14 His complacency remained unshaken when , on Thursday 17 January 1746 , having advanced from Edinburgh towards Stirling he found that the rebels , far from fleeing , had moved forward to meet him at Falkirk , a small town about ten miles [ 16 km ] to the south-east .
15 Boulton happened to meet him at Exeter however , and as it did not coincide with the ideas of the firm to lose the services of their best engineer in this fashion , Murdock was persuaded to return .
16 ‘ Yes — I was to meet him at Glasgow and I was late .
17 In June 1860 he invited William , the Prince Regent of Prussia , to meet him at Baden , whose Grand Duke agreed to act as host .
18 Pointy-Beard simply said that Sunil wanted to see me when he 'd finished eating and we were going to meet him at Shazam 's and did I know it .
19 Mr Fitzwater added that Mr Bush has invited both the Polish President , Wojciech Jaruzelski , and Prime Minister , Tadeusz Mazowiescki , to meet him in Washington .
20 DOWNING Street insists that President-elect Bill Clinton is not angry with the British Government and so is not snubbing John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
21 BILL CLINTON has snubbed Premier John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
22 Pop having to return to Burma for another year with the Governor , and finally my going to meet him in Liverpool when he was sent home at the end of that year very sick , never to return to Burma .
23 Earlier yesterday Mr Denktash , who heads a breakaway state in the north recognised only by Ankara , invited Mr Clerides to meet him in Cyprus and said holding talks in New York would be futile .
24 Malpass told me to meet him in Bateman Street .
25 It was just in the process of digesting the Islamic revolution which had set the last of the Shahs , Muhammad Reza , on his unhappy way to exile , illness and death , the last finally overtaking him in Egypt .
26 Calls for Bakatin 's removal had been taken up on Dec. 1 by the Soyuz ( " Union " ) group of conservative deputies in the Congress , the very people who had nominated him in March to run against Gorbachev for the presidency .
27 Self-taught , he worked as a shipping clerk in Madras until the mathematician George Hardy saw his work and invited him to England .
28 This brought him into touch with George Bell , then Bishop of Chichester , and with John Marsh , the Congregational theologian , who invited him to Oxford .
29 This brought him into touch with George Bell , then Bishop of Chichester , and with John Marsh , the Congregational theologian , who invited him to Oxford .
30 In pursuit of diplomatic support , Baker met Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen at the UN in New York on Nov. 28 and invited him to Washington , effectively ending the diplomatic isolation of China by the USA in force since the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre .
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