Example sentences of "[verb] them [prep] she " in BNC.

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1 The Sheikha usually made them for her .
2 Why did n't I just post them to her ?
3 ‘ Harry ’ — impossibly yet further darkness had dawned on the total blackness of George 's conscience — ‘ then we led them to her .
4 She confessed that Sally-Anne had written them on old ones Miss Laura had collected on earlier trips , and Miss Laura had posted them for her , to deceive us .
5 She told Cathy she would pass on the eggs but would like croissants and coffee , and presently I was bringing them to her as she sat with eyes demurely downwards , studiously ignoring my existence .
6 Maureen said : ‘ I did n't think about them again until that psychic woman asked for them , but it was only after I had given them to her I realized they were n't his at all .
7 Philip passed them to her .
8 There was no proper funeral , as there had been no proper wedding ceremony ; they simply hauled the waterlogged body onto a bonfire of driftwood , and even though the sea wind at dawn had made the fire hot enough to break the stones of the beach , it was six hours before the body was gone , and then they had to wait a whole day before they could rake the ashes for his bones and send them to her .
9 Silas snatched them from her shaking hands .
10 He pulled a handful of gold and silver chains from his sporran , tossing them beside her where she crouched .
11 She leaned back against him , covering his hands with her own and pressing them against her .
12 Sally sat down hard on them , forcing her legs together , but as usual in the end he won and she retrieved the panties from the floor , pushing them behind her on the seat before they were trampled underfoot .
13 you could chuck them for her and she used to go after them .
14 ‘ We can give them to her to suck on when she needs to push . ’
15 Well they 'd give them to her too .
16 Go on , let's give them to her .
17 Well , so I wo n't , I wo n't give them to her .
18 Amy 's three tomorrow , so she 'll give them to her tomorrow , she
19 No do n't give them to her look you bloody nicked her fifteen P , then you nick her crisps .
20 ‘ You 'll put these on , ’ he said , passing them to her .
21 She sat on the grass and dropped them beside her .
22 This ( almost certainly unintended ) result is a consequence of the writer relying on other people to state ideas rather than trying to understand and restate them in her or his own voice .
23 Lovely warm things will be said to-day : she might not be dead if we had said them to her while alive , and let her weep out her hurt and pain at her rejection on our shoulders .
24 She shuffled through the pile , scattering them around her .
25 Then you could edit them for her , if you feel you are willing for her to use them … .
26 All the child 's socks were dirty so she had turned a pair inside out and put them on her .
27 When she grabbed the clothes and put them around her , saying , ‘ I was cold ; I …
28 Cold , and terrified of growing colder , so that when he opened his arms and put them around her , his musk-scented cloak coming with them , ample enough to cover them both , all she felt was the salvation of his warmth , his hard , hot body supporting her as she shook and shivered against him , that blessed , beautiful fur enclosing her as in a nest , muffling her from the killing storm .
29 She ‘ could find no comfort in meat or drink or conversation , but ever was gloomy in face and behaviour till God would send them to her again , and then she was merry enough ’ .
30 They , they left here erm about half past eight , twenty to nine and they got to about half way they had n't been gone twenty minutes and I thought , oh she 's left her photographs , she had to get four passport photographs and she 'd left them here and I thought we 'd send them , send them to her and she did n't like them you see , but she 'd have them .
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