Example sentences of "[verb] them [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 I 've seen my mam take sheets off a bed and tear them up in squares .
2 We explained that we had not realized their boat was part of the Coast Guard and that we had not heard them aright in their orders to stop .
3 At a fair distance , and without being able to see them clearly in the encroaching dusk , they seemed a friendly lot and we yelled back .
4 The darkness beneath the cover encourages the worms to tunnel close to the inside of the glass so that you will be able to see them clearly in their burrows .
5 I was surprised to see them up in the tall grasses , instead of moving along the exposed bank , but I realised that the rising river level had forced them up .
6 You can work on those and you can build them up in two or three or four year 's time job changes this might take a bit more of a a higher priority .
7 Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ( Eph. 6:1–4 ) .
8 Paul 's direction to parents is contained in the words , ‘ Fathers , do not exasperate your children ; instead , bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord ’ ( Eph. 6:4 ) .
9 He would help fructify their holdings , bring them up in the world where they should be .
10 If not I 've only got to put them up in the attic and bring them down in three month 's time .
11 ‘ We bring them inside in the bad weather .
12 A very simple way of collecting examples of people talking is to sit them down in front of the camera and get them to talk to it .
13 It did n't matter how innovative the products I set out to market actually were , I could not prevent myself from seeing them already in some illimitable bazaar of the far future , long obsolete and hopelessly dated , so much cosmological car-boot-sale fodder .
14 Instead of seeing them individually in the privacy of his study , he arranged regular ‘ Sharing Jesus ’ evenings to which the baptism families and wedding couples were invited .
15 The big man has been in a clinic since breaking a leg against Crystal Palace last week and the only way he can join in the Reds rise is by cheering them on in front of his telly .
16 So their own minister held a service at the station , and the agent gave them a good dinner cheering them on in Gaelic , at which they wept , and they went on to settle at Moosomin , where they lived happily ever afterwards .
17 Well , do you want to go to Phillips and , I mean he kicks them out in two weeks .
18 That 's what they did to people after they had died , they laid them out in a bed .
19 And she cut a dozen and a half splendid blooms and laid them reverently in Sally-Anne 's trug .
20 Since he regarded the crutches as extensions of his arms he had the habit of windmilling them about in moments of excitement .
21 The mathematics were simple : £10,000 would enable them to fatten up their piglets , sell them off in the autumn , clear their overdraft and continue preserving all the surviving Old Spot bloodlines .
22 Michael Banks led them back in , saying , ‘ No , I 'm sorry , Paul .
23 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
24 You do n't want them up in the top the next group
25 Asked what concerned them most in connection with nuclear power , respondents named the possibility of accidents , human error and the storage of radioactive waste .
26 I was n't prepared to put things under my arm and hawk them around in Bond Street so there was a long gap .
27 If so , would you explain them more in terms of :
28 ‘ A lot of the simpler souls ’ , said Quigley , ‘ probably think a great big snake is going to slither out at them and start gobbling them up in a few years . ’
29 Where the eye often used to be bruised by hectic entrances and exits , Page now keeps his dancers on the stage , shifting them around in complex patterns or gathering them up in long architectural phrases .
30 We have also introduced a reform which will give people more choice as to who represents them legally in court .
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